DISQUE プログレッシヴ・ロック・CD販売リスト Vol479
アーティスト - タイトル(レーベル) *発売年 備考 税込価格(円)
AARDVARK - Aardvark (Belle Antique) *70..................................................2,970
AFFINITY - same (Belle Antique) *70. SHM/paper sleeve, 10bonus 3,080
AFFINITY - Affinity (BA) *70.4CD Remastered & Expanded Edition.......7,150
ALEX LOFOCO - Beyond (Belle Antique) *17...............................................3,300
ALEX MAGUIRE SEXTET - Brewed in Belgium (Belle Antique) *08 3,143
ALL ABOUT EVE - Fairy light nights 2: live acoustic (Voiceprint J) *live 00 2,970
ALLAN HOLDSWORTH - Atavachron (Belle Antique) *86. paper sleeve 3,143
ALLAN HOLDSWORTH - Proto - Cosmos (Gen) *23..07Live..2,970
ALLAN HOLDSWORTH & GORDON BECK - With a Heart in My Song (Belle Antique) *88 CD/paper slv..3,457
- The Ron Mathewson Tapes Vol.1 (Belle Antique) *21 SHMCD/paperslv.3,457
A.HOLDSWORTH,J.YOUNG,B.GUY,J.STEVENS - Re touch (BA) *paper slv 3,143
ANNIE HASLAM - Annie In Wonderland (Belle Antique) *77.......................3,300
ANTHONY PHILLIPS - Wise after the event (Belle Antique) *3CD+DVDA 7,700
ANTHONY PHILLIPS - Private parts and pieces I (BA) *78. SHM+CD/Paper slv. 4,400
ANTHONY PHILLIPS - Private parts and pieces II (BA) *80. SHM/Paper slv. 3,457
ANTHONY PHILLIPS - Private parts and pieces III (BA) *82. SHM/Paper slv. 3,457
ARCADIUM - Breathe awhile (Belle Antique) *69.SHM-CD+CD 4,400
ART BEARS - Hopes And Fears (Belle Antique) *78.SHM/paper sleeve........3,500
ART BEARS - Winter Songs (Belle Antique) *79.SHM/paper sleeve..............3,897
ART BEARS - The World As It Is Today (Belle Antique) *80.SHM-CD.........3,500
ARTHUR BROWN'S KINGDOME COME - Eternal Messenger An Anthology 1970-1973 (BA) 5CD..7,920
ATOMIC ROOSTER - same (Belle Antique) *70 1st. SHM/paper sleeve........ 3,500
ATOMIC ROOSTER - Death Walks Behind You (Belle Antique) *70.SHM/paper slv...3,500
ATOMIC ROOSTER - In hearing of (Belle Antique) *71. SHM/paper sleeve 3,457
ATOMIC ROOSTER - In hearing of (Belle Antique) *71. SHM/paper sleeve 3,500
ATOMIC ROOSTER - Made in England (Belle Antique) *72 4th. SHM/paper slv 3,457
ATOMIC ROOSTER - Made in England (Belle Antique) *72 4th. SHM/paper slv 3,500
ATOMIC ROOSTER - Nice n greasy (Belle Antique) *73. SHM/paper sleeve 3,457
ATOMIC ROOSTER - Nice n greasy (Belle Antique) *73. SHM/paper sleeve 3,500
AUDIENCE- alive & kickin & screamin & shoutin (Belle Antique) *live 04 3,143
AUTUMN CHORUS - The village to the vale (Belle Antique) *12 2,860
AZURE - Fym (Avalon) *24 2CD.....3,600
BABE RUTH - Darker Than Blue: The Harvest Years 1972-1975 (Belle Antique) *22.3CD..6,050
BACK STREET CRAWLER - Atlantic Years 1975-1976 (Belle Antique) *20 4CD..6,050
BADGER - One Live Badger: Remastered CD Edition (Belle Antique) *73....3,300
BAKER GURVITZ ARMY - Elysian encounter (B.Antique) *75. SHM/paper slv 3,457
BAKER GURVITZ ARMY - Since Beginning: the alubum 74-76 (BA).3CD............6,930
BAKER GURVITZ ARMY - Live 1975 Remastered and Expanded (BA) *23....3,520
BAKER GURVITZ ARMY - Neon Lights: The Broadcasts 1975 (Belle Antique) *05.3CD+2DVD...8,800
BAKERLOO - Bakerloo: Remastered And Expanded Edition (Belle Antique) *69..2,970
BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST - same (Belle Antique) *70.SHM/paper slv.........3,500
BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST - Once Again (Belle Antique) *71.SHM/paper slv.....3,500
BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST - And Other Short Stories (Belle Antique) *71.SHM+CD paper slv....4,400
BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST - Baby James Harvest (Belle Antique) *72.SHM/paper slv....3,500
BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST - Live (Belle Antique) *74....3,300
BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST - Eyes of the universe (Belle Antique) *79 3,143
BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST - A concert for the people (B.Antique) *Berlin 80 3,143
BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST - Face to face (Belle Antique) *87 3,143
BEDLAM - Bedlam (Avalon) *73. 2SHM-CD.paper slv..................................4,180
BEDLAM - The Bedlam Anthology (Belle Antique) *23..6CD......12,100
BEDLAM - Live In London 1973 (Avalon) *23.paper slv...............................3,500
BEDLAM - Live In Binghampton, New York 1974 (Avalon) *23. paper slv.....3,500
BEGGARS OPERA - Act One (Universal) *70 ............................................1,100
BEN - same (Belle Antique) *71. SHM/paper sleeve ....3,457
BIG BIG TRAIN - Underfall Yard 2021 re-issue (Belle Antique) *09. 2SHM/paper sleeve..4,400
BIG BIG TRAIN - Grand tour (Belle Antique) *19. SHM/paper sleeve.........3,850
BIG BIG TRAIN - Common Ground (Belle Antique) *21. SHM/paper sleeve.........3,850
BIG BIG TRAIN - Welcome To The Planet (Belle Antique) *22.SHM/paper slv........3,300
BIG BIG TRAIN - Summer's Lease (BBT British Collection) (B.Antique) SHM/paper slv.............4,180
BIG BIG TRAIN - Ingenious Devices (Belle Antique) *23.............................3,300
BIG BIG TRAIN - The Likes Of Us (Sony) *24 BSCD2...................................2,750
BLACK WIDOW - Sabbat Days - The Complete Anthology 1969-1972 (BA) *24 6CD 3,300
BLOSSOM TOES - We Are Ever So Clean (Belle Antique) *67.3CD..............6,600
THE BLUE SHIP - The executioner s lover (Belle Antique) *2CD. 14 3,960
BRUFORD - One of a kind (Belle Antique) *79 SHM. paper sleeve..............3,457
BRUFORD - Gradually Going Tornado (Belle Antique) *80. SHM/paper sleeve....3,457
BRUFORD - The bruford tapes (Belle Antique) *79 SHM. paper sleeve......3,457
BRUFORD - Live at the venue / 4th album rehearsal sessions
(Belle Antique) *80 SHM. paper sleeve *2CD 4,400
- If summer had its ghosts (Belle Antique) *97. 2,970
BRUFORD / BORSTRAP - Sheer reckless Abandon (BA) 3CD+DVD.............5,720
BRIAN AUGER & JULIE TIPPETTS - Encore (Belle Antique) *78...................3,080
BREAD LOVE AND DREAMS - Amaryllis (BA) *71.SHM/paper sleeve...........3,457
- Every Which Way 50th Anniversary Remasterd Edition (Belle Antique) *70..3,080
BRIDGET ST. JOHN - Songs For The Gentle Man (Belle Antique) *71.SHM/paper sleeve3,600
BUDGIE - Squawk (Belle Antique) *72. SHM/paper sleeve..........................3,457
THE BYRON BAND feat.ROBIN GEORGE (Belle Antique) *81.3CD..4,950
BYZANTIUM - Halfway Dreaming Anthology 1969-75 (Belle Antique).........7,480
CAMEL - Dust and dreams (Belle Antique) *91. SHM/paper sleeve 3,457
CAMEL - Harbour of tears (Belle Antique) *96. SHM/paper sleeve 3,457
CAMEL - Rajaz (Belle Antique) *99. SHM/paper sleeve 3,457
CAMEL - A nod and a wink (Belle Antique) *02. SHM/paper sleeve 3,457
CAMEL - Camel on the road 1972 (Belle Antique) *live 72. SHM/paper slv 3,457
CAMEL - 73-75 gods of light (Belle Antique) *live 73-75. SHM/paper slv 3,457
CAMEL - Live at Tokyo Kosei Nenkin Hall, 1980 (Wasabi) *24 3,080
CAMEL - Camel on the road 1981 (Belle Antique) *live 81. SHM/paper slv 3,457
CAMEL - Camel on the road 1982 (Belle Antique) *82 live. SHM/paper slv 3,457
CARAVAN - Blind Dog At St. Dunstans (Belle Antique) *76.SHM/paper slv....3,457
CARAVAN - Better By Far (Belle Antique) *77.SHM/paper slv.......................3,457
CARAVAN - The Album (Belle Antique) *80.SHM/paper slv..........................3,457
CARAVAN - Back To Front (Belle Antique) *82.SHM/paper slv.....................3,457
CARMEN - Fandangos In Space (Belle Antique) *73. SHM/paper sleeve 3,457
CARMEN - The Albums 1973-1975 (Belle Antique) *24.3CD..6,930
CAROLINE LAVELLE - A distant bell (Music Plant) *04 2,530
CATAPILLA - Changes (Belle Antique) *72.SHM/paper sleeve3,600
CATAPILLA - Embryonic Fusion (Belle Antique) *70.SHM/paper slv.............3,500
CATHERINE HOWE - What A Beautiful Place (Belle Antique) *71.SHM/paper sleeve.....3,600
CHARLES HAYWARD - A Tribute to Mark Rothko (Belle Antique) *SHM/paper slv 3,457
CHARLES HAYWARD & NICK DOYNE DITMAS - My secret alphabet (Belle Antique) *SHM/paper slv 3,457
CHIMPAN A - The Empathy Machine+Secret Wish (Belle Antique) *20...............3,630
CHRIS SPEDDING - Songs Without Words - Remastered (Belle Antique) *71.....3,300
CHRISTINA - Broken lives & bleeding hearts (Belle Antique) *10. Magentas vo 3,143
CHRISTINA - The light (Belle Antique) *15. Magenta s vo 2,970
CHRISTINA - Bar Stool Prophet (BA) *23....................................................3,300
CIRCUS - same (Belle Antique) *SHM/paper sleeve 3,457
CLAIRE HAMILL - One House Left Standing (Belle Antique) *71.SHM/paper slv......3,500
CLAIRE HAMILL - October (Belle Antique) *73.SHM/paper slv...................3,500
CLIVE NOLAN AND OLIVER WAKEMAN - Dark Fables (Belle Antique) *21......2,970
CLOUDS - Watercolour days (Belle Antique) *71. SHM/paper sleeve...........3,457
COLIN SCOT - same (Belle Antique) *71. feat Fripp, Gabriel, Wakeman 3,000
COLOSSEUM - Those who are about to die salute you (B.Antique) *69 1st. SHM/paper slv....3,500
COLOSSEUM - Those who are about to die salute you (B.Antique) *69 1st. 2,970
COLOSSEUM - Daughter Of Time (Belle Antique) *70.SHM/paper slv..........3,500
COLOSSEUM - Daughter of time (Belle Antique) *70. 3rd. 3,080
COLOSSEUM - Colosseum Live (Belle Antique) *71.2SHM/paper slv............4,510
COLOSSEUM with NEW JAZZ ORCHESTRA - Camden '70 (Belle Antique)SHM/paper sleeve...3,457
COLOSSEUM - Live: expanded edit (Belle Antique) *2CD 3,960
COLOSSEUM - Upon Tomorrow (Disk Union) *24 Rec 70& 71..2CD....4,400
CRAFT - Craft: Definitive Edition (Belle Antique) *84. SHM-CD/Paper Slv.....3,457
CRESIIDA - same (Belle Antique) *SHM/paper sleeve. 70 3,457
CRESSIDA - Asylum (Belle Antique) *71. SHM/paper sleeve 3,457
CRESSIDA - Trapped in time: the lost tapes (Belle Antique) *69. SHM/paper slv 3,457
CURVED AIR - Air conditioning (Belle Antique) *70 1st. 2CD. expanded edit. 3,960
CURVED AIR - Second album (Belle Antique) *71 2nd. 2CD. expanded edit. 4,180
CURVED AIR - Phantasmagoria (Belle Antique) *72 3rd. CD+DVD:NTSC 3,960
CURVED AIR - Lovechild (Belle Antique) *72-73 3,300
CURVED AIR - Air cut (Belle Antique) *73 4th. 2,860
CURVED AIR - Alive 1990 (Belle Antique) *00.............................................2,970
CURVED AIR - Reborn (Belle Antique) *08.................................................2,970
CURVED AIR - Live under the Bridge: the 45th anniversary concert (BA) *15 2CD..3,850
CURVED AIR - Tapestry of propositions (Belle Antique) *16 3,080
THE CUSTODIAN - Necessary wasted time (Belle Antique) *13 1st 2,750
CYAN - For King And Country (Belle Antique) *21.CD+DVD.......................3,850
CYAN - Pictures From The Other Side (Belle Antique) *23.CD+DVD...........3,960
CYAN - Pictures From Another Side (Belle Antique) *23..............................2,750
CYAN - The Guardians (Belle Antique) *24 3,520
CZAR - Czar (Belle Antique) *70 SHM-CD/paper slv...................................3,457
DAGMAR KRAUSE / ANTHONY MOORE / PETER BLEGVAD - Camera (Belle Antique) *00.SHM-CD...3,500
DARRYL WAY - Destinations (Belle Antique) *20. 3,080
DARWIN - Five Steps On The Sun (P-Vine) *242,750
DAVE GREENSLADE - Cactus Choir (Belle Antique) *76.SHM/paper slv........3,500
DAVE SINCLAIR - Hook-Line&Sinclair (Dsincs-Music).................................2,200
DAVID CROSS & PETER BANKS - Crossover (Belle Antique) *20..................3,080
DAVID CROSS BAND - Ice Blue, Silver Sky (BA) *23...................................3,520
DAVID LONGDON - Door One (Belle Antique) *22. SHM/paper slv. ....3,410
DEAR MR. TIME - Grandfather (Belle Antique) *71. SHM/Paper sleeve 3,457
DETECTIVE - It Takes One To Know One (Belle Antique) *77......................3,080
THE DEVIANTS - Ptooff! (Belle Antique) *67.SHM/paper slv........................3,500
THE DEVIANTS - Disposable (Belle Antique) *68.SHM/paper slv.................3,500
THE DEVIANTS - The Deviants (Belle Antique) *69.SHM/paper slv..............3,500
DIAMOND HEAD - The White Album (Belle Antique) *80 2CD Expanded 4,180
DOWNES BRAIDE ASSOCIATION - Suburban ghosts (Belle Antique) *15 3,080
DOWNES BRAIDE ASSOCIATION - Skyscraper souls (Belle Antique) *17.. 3,080
DOWNES BRAIDE ASSOCIATION - Halcyon Hymns: CD/DVD Edition (Belle Antique) *21....4,180
DREAMTIME - Cathanger 86 (Belle Antique) *86 3,143
DR. STRANGELY STRANGE - Halcyon days (Belle Antique) *unreleased 3,143
DUFFY - Scruffy Duffy (Belle Antique) *73...................................................2,970
DULCIMER - And I Turned As I Had Turned As A Boy... (Belle Antique) *71. SHM/paper sleeve..3,457
DUNCAN MACKAY - Chimera (Belle Antique) *74. SHM/paper slv.................3,457
DUNCAN MACKAY - Chimera (Belle Antique) *74. keyboard prog 2,970
DUNCAN MACKAY - Score (Belle Antique) *77 SHM/paper slv 3,457
DUNCAN MACKAY - Picture of sound (Belle Antique) *93 SHM/paper sleeve. 3,457
DUNCAN MACKAY - Kintsugi (Belle Antique) *19 SHM/paper sleeve. 3,457
DUNCAN MACKAY, GEORG VOROS - The bletchley park project (BA) *SHM/paper slv 3,457
EDGAR BROUGHTON BAND - bandages (belle antique) *75. live 3,143
EDGAR BROUGHTON BAND - live hits harder! (b.antique) *live 76 3,143
EGG - same (Universal) *70. SHM 1,885
EGG - The polite force (Universal) *70 2nd. SHM 1,885
ELTON DEAN - Sea of infinity (Belle Antique) *live 02/03 3,143
ELTON DEAN S NINESENSE - Live at the BBC (Belle Antique) *75/78 3,143
EMPIRE - Best Of Empire (Belle Antique) *21.............................................3,080
ENGLAND - The last of the jubblies: silver edit (BA) *rare tracks 3,080
THE ENID - Aerie faerie nonsense (Belle Antique) *SHM/paper sleeve 3,457
THE ENID - Live with the CBSO at Symphony Hall (Belle Antique) *12. 2CD 3,630
THE ENID - The bridge (Belle Antique) *15 3,300
THE ENID - Dust (Belle Antique) *16 3,300
THE ENID - Resurgency (Belle Antique) *17 3,080
THE ENID - Something wicked this way comes: live at Claret Hall 84. 2CD+DVD 3,850
THE ENID (& Robert John Godfrey) - Live at the citadel (Belle Antique) *live17 3,348
THE ENID - Live In Tokyo (Belle Antique) *17 4SHM-CD11,000
THE ENID - U (Belle Antique) *20. SHM/paper sleeve 3,300
FAMILY - A Song For Me: Remastered and Expanded Edition (BA) *70.2CD......3,850
FIELDS - Same (Belle Antique) *71. SHM/paper sleeve 3,457
FIELDS - Feeling Free: The Complete Recordings 1971-1973 (Belle Antique) *22....3,960
FIRE - Father's Name is Dad (Belle Antique) *21.3CD.................................5,280
FLUANCE feat.DUNCAN MACKAY- Lunacy (Belle Antique) *20. SHM/paper sleeve...3,300
FROST* - Island Live (Belle Antique) *24 2CD+DVD 6,160
FRUUPP - Future Legends (Belle Antique) *73.SHM-CD/paper slv...............3,500
FRUUPP - Seven Secrets (Belle Antique) *74.SHM-CD/paper slv..................3,500
FRUUPP - The Prince Of Heaven's Eyes (Belle Antique) *74.SHM-CD/paper slv....3,500
FRUUPP - Modern Masquerades (Belle Antique) *76.SHM-CD/paper slv....3,500
FRUUPP - Wise As Wisdom: The Dawn Albums (Belle Antique) *19.4CD.....6,050
FUZZY DUCK - Fuzzy duck (Belle Antique) *71. SHM/paper sleeve 3,457
GALAHAD - Classic rock live (Belle Antique) *96 3,080
GALAHAD - Seas of change (Belle Antique) *18 2,970
GARY BOYLE - The Dancer (Belle Antique) *77. SHM/paper slv..................3,457
GARY BOYLE - Electric Glide (Belle Antique) *78.SHM/paper slv.................3,500
GARY HUSBANDS DRIVE - Hotwired (Belle Antique) *09 3,143
GAVIN HARRISON / ANTOINE FAFARD - Chemical Reactions (BelleAntique) *20.3,080
GENTLE GIANT - King Alfreds college Winchester 1971 (BA) *live 71 3,143
GENTLE GIANT - Out of the fire: the BBC concerts (BA) *2CD 73/78 4,114
GENTLE GIANT - Live in Stockholm 75 (Belle Antique) 3,143
GILGAMESH - Same (Belle Antique) *75 1st 2,750
GILLAN - Live Wembley 17th December 1982 (B.Antique) 3,143
GLENN HUGHES & ROBIN GEORGE - Overcome (Belle Antique) *23...........3,520
GODLEY & CREME - Frabjous Days (Belle Antique) *67-69........................3,300
GORDON GILTRAP - Fear Of The Dark (Belle Antique) *78 SHM/paper sleeve.....3,457
GORDON GILTRAP - The Peacock Party (Belle Antique) *79 SHM/paper sleeve.....3,457
GRACIOUS - Gracious! (Universal) *70.......................................................1,100
GRAVY TRAIN - Second birth (Belle Antique) *73 3rd 3,080
GRAVY TRAIN - Staircase to the day (Belle Antique) *74 3,080
GREENSLADE - same (Belle Antique) *73. 2CD edition 3,850
GREENSLADE - Bedside manners are extra (BA) *73. CD+DVD:NTSC 3,960
GREENSLADE - Spyglass guest (Belle Antique) *74. 3rd. 2CD edition 3,960
GREENSLADE - Time and tide (Belle Antique) *75. 4th. 2CD edition 3,960
GREENSLADE- Temple Songs: The Albums 1973-1975 4CD Remastered Box Set
(Belle Antique) *73-75. 4CD 6,930
GRYPHON - Raindance (Belle Antique) *75 4th. SHM/paper sleeve 3,457
GRYPHON - Raindances - The Transatlantic recordings 1973-1975
(Belle Antique) *73-75. 4in2CD 3,457
GRYPHON - Reinvention (Belle Antique) *18 SHM/paper sleeve 1bonus 3,300
GRYPHON - Get Out Of My Father's Car (Belle Antique) *20 SHM/paper sleeve..3,300
GRYPHON - Gryphon Live, A Sonic Tonic (Belle Antique) *24 2CD 4,180
GTR - GTR (Belle Antique) *86 2CD Expanded 4,400
HAKEN - Vector (Belle Antique) *2CD. 18. paper sleeve 3,520
HAWKWIND - Doremi Fasol Latido (Belle Antique) *72 2CD Expanded 4,400
HAWKWIND - Space Ritual
: 50th Anniversary 2CD New Stereo Mix Edition (Belle Antique) *73...........4,840
HAWKWIND - Space Ritual
: 50th Anniversary Deluxe 11 Disc Box Set Edition (Belle Antique) *73....25,300
HAWKWIND - Warrior on the edge of time (Belle Antique) *SHM/paper slve...3,630
HAWKWIND - All aboard the skylark (Belle Antique) *19............................3,850
HAWKWIND - 50 Live (BelleAntique) *20.2CD.............................................3,960
HAWKWIND - Somnia (Belle Antique) *21..............................................2,970
HAWKWIND - Dreamworkers Of Time - The BBC Recordings 1985-1995 (BA) *22..3CD..5,500
HAWKWIND - We Are Looking In On You (Belle Antique) *21 Live.2CD.......3,960
HAWKWIND - The Future Never Waits (Belle Antique) *23...........................3,300
HEAD MACHINE - Orgasm (Belle Antique) *70 SHM/paper sleeve ..............3,457
HENRY COW - Legend (Belle Antique) *73 1st. 4 bonus SHM/paper slv 3,457
HENRY COW - Legend (Belle Antique) *73 1st. 4 bonus SHM/paper slv 3,500
HENRY COW - Unrest (Belle Antique) *74. SHM/paper slv. 7 bonus 3,457
HENRY COW - Unrest (Belle Antique) *74. SHM/paper slv. 7 bonus 3,500
HENRY COW - In praise of learning (Belle Antique) *75. SHM/paper slv 3,457
HENRY COW - In praise of learning (Belle Antique) *74. SHM/paper slv. ...3,500
HENRY COW - Concerts (Belle Antique) *76.2SHM-CD/paper slv................4,400
HENRY COW - Western Culture (Belle Antique) *78.SHM-CD/paper slv.......3,500
HENRY COW - Glastonbury And Elsewhere (Belle Antique) *22 Rec.72,73,76,77.SHM-CD...3,500
HIGH TIDE - The Complete Liberty Recordings: Remastered 3CD Edition (Belle Antique) *69&70....6,600
HOME - The Alchemist (Belle Antique) *73................................................3,080
HOPPER/DEAN/TIPPETT/GALLIVAN - Mercy dash (Heresie) 2,860
THE HUMAN BEAST - Volume One (BA) *70.SHM/paper sleeve..........................3,457
IGGINBOTTOM - Igginbottoms wrench (Belle Antique) *69. SHM/paper slv 3,457
ILLUMINAE - Dark Horizons (Belle Antique) *21................................................3,080
INDIAN SUMMER - same (Belle Antique) *71 1st. SHM/paper sleeve 3,457
IONA - Beyond these shores (Music Plant) *93 3rd 2,750
IQ - Tales From The Lush Attic (Belle Antique) *83 .SHM-CD paper sleeve..3,457
IQ - The Wake (Belle Antique) *85 .SHM-CD paper sleeve..........................3,457
IQ - Seven Stories Into 98 (Belle Antique) *98 .SHM-CD+CD paper sleeve..4,180
IQ - Dark Matter (Belle Antique) *04 .SHM-CD paper sleeve.......................3,457
ISOTOPE - Isotope (Belle Antique) *74. SHM/paper slv..............................3,457
ISOTOPE - Illusion (Belle Antique) *74. SHM/paper slv..............................3,457
ISOTOPE - Deep End (Belle Antique) *75. SHM/paper slv...........................3,457
IT BITES - Live in London 1986-1990 (IAC) *22 6CD Box...........................9,240
IT BITES FD - Return to Natural (IAC) *24...........................3,520
Live at Montreux Jazz Festival 1982 (Gen)........................................2,750
JACK LANCASTER AND ROBIN LUMLEY - Peter And The Wolf (Belle Antique) *75..2,970
JACK LANCASTER AND ROBIN LUMLEY - Marscape: Remastered Edition (BA) *76...2,970
JADE WARRIOR - same (Belle Antique) *71.SHM/paper slv................... 3,457
JADE WARRIOR - Released (Belle Antique) *71.SHM/paper slv...................3,457
JADE WARRIOR - Last Autumn's Dream (Belle Antique) *72.SHM/paper slv....3,457
JADE WARRIOR - Wind Borne: The Island Albums 1974-1978 (Belle Antique)..7,260
JADIS - No Fear of Looking Down (Belle Antique) *16. 2,970
JADIS - Medium rare (Belle Antique) *19...................................................3,080
JODY GRIND - One stepon (Belle Antique) *69 1st 2,970
JOHN HACKETT, MARCO LO MUSCIO, CARLO MATTEUCCI - Playing the history (BA) *13 2,860
JOHN HACKETT BAND - We are not alone (BA) *17. 2CD deluxe edition 3,520
JOHN RENBOURN - Sir John alot of merrie englandes... (BA) *68. SHM/paper slv 3,457
JOHN WETTON - Akustika I + II (Belle Antique) *2CD. live 95/05 3,960
JOHN WETTON - The Official Bootleg - Archive Vol.1 (Belle Antique) *96,97,99 Live 6CD....4,620
JOHN WETTON - Live via satellite (Belle Antique) *2CD live 98/02 3,960
WETTON/DOWNES ICON - Never in a Million years (Belle Antique) *06......2,970
WETTON/DOWNES ICON - Acoustic TV broadcast (Belle Antique) *06........3,630
WETTON/DOWNES ICON - Urban Psalm - live (B.Antique) *09. 2CD+DVD 3,960
JON ANDERSON - Song Of Seven (Belle Antique) *80. 2,970
JON ANDERSON - Animation (Belle Antique) *82........................................2,970
JON ANDERSON & THE BAND GEEKS - True (Avalon) *24 3,100
JON AND VANGELIS - Page Of Life (Belle Antique) *91.................................2,970
JONESY - No altenative (Belle Antique) *72. SHM paper sleeve. 3Bonus 3,457
JONESY - Waltz For Yesterday ? The Recordings 1972-1974 (Belle Antique) *22.3CD..6,600
JON LORD/LONDON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA - Gemini Suite (Avalon) *71. SHM/paper slv ....3,300
JON LORD - Windows (Avalon) *74. SHM paper sleeve 3,080
JON LORD - Sarabande (Avalon) *76. SHM paper sleeve 3,300
JULIE DRISCOLL - 1969 (Belle Antique) *71 3,300
JULIE TIPPETTS - Sunset Glow (Belle Antique) *75.SHM/paper slv..............3,500
JULY - The Complete Recordings (Belle Antique) *68-20. 6CD....................7,700
JUNIOR'S EYES - Battersea Power Station (BA) *69. SHM paper sleeve 3,457
KEITH EMERSON - Off the shelf (Belle Antique) *06 2,970
KEITH EMERSON - Variations: 20CD Box Set (Belle Antique) *23..............44,000
THE KEITH TIPPETT GROUP - Dedicated To You, But You Weren't Listening (Belle Antique) *71....3,300
KEITH & JULIE TIPPETT - COUPLE IN SPIRIT - Sound On Stone (Belle Antique) *23....3,080
KEN HENSLEY - Free Spirit (Wasabi) *80....................................................2,860
KEN HENSLEY - My Book Of Answers (Belle Antique) *21............................2,970
KESTREL - same (Belle Antique) *75. 2CD SHM paper sleeve 4,400
KHAN - Space Shanty (Universal) *72. SHM.................................................1,885
KIAMA - Sign of four (Belle Antique) *16 2,970
KITE PARADE - The Way Home (Belle Antique) *22.....................................2,970
KNIFEWORLD - The unravelling (Belle Antique) *14. digipack 2,970
KNIFEWORLD - Botled out of eden (Belle Antique) *16 3,080
KOKOMO - To be cool (Belle Antique) *73. feat Mel Collins 3,143
KOMPENDIUM - Beneath the waves: regular edit (Belle Antique) *12 2,860
KOMPENDIUM - elements (Belle Antique) *2CD 3,080
LADY JUNE - Lady Junes hit & myth (Belle Antique) *97 2nd 2,860
LES PENNING with ROBERT REED - The Last Bells Of Winter (Belle Antique) *21.2,640
LODESTONE - Time Flies (Belle Antique) *71.............................................3,300
MADDY PRIOR - Woman In The Wings (Belle Antique) *78.SHM/paper slv.....3,500
MADDY PRIOR - Changing Winds (Belle Antique) *78.SHM/paper slv....3,500
MAGENTA - Seven (Belle Antique) *09 CD+DVD.........................................2,970
MAGENTA - Metamorphosis: deluxe edition (BA) *08 4th. CD+DVD:NTSC 3,630
MAGENTA - Chameleon (Belle Antique) *11. sympho 2,860
MAGENTA - We are seven (Belle Antique) *2CD. live 18. 3,300
MAGENTA - Masters Of Illusion (Belle Antique) *20. CD+DVD/NTSC..........3,850
MAGENTA - The Lost Reel (Belle Antique) *20............................................2,750
MAGENTA & FRIENDS - Live at acapela 2016 & 2017 (Belle Antique) *19.2CD+2DVD.....4,730
MAGENTA - Angles and Damned (Belle Antique) *21.2CD+2DVD.............4,950
MAGENTA - Songs From The Big Room (Belle Antique) *21........................2,420
MAGENTA - The White Witch: A Symphonic Trilogy (Belle Antique) *22......3,300
MAGENTA - Reaching For The Moon (Belle Antique) *23..2DVD+2CD........6,930
MAGNUM - Kingdom Of Madness (Belle Antique) *78.2SHM/paper slv........4,400
MAGNUM - II (Belle Antique) *79.SHM/paper slv........................................3,500
MAGNUM - Marauder (Belle Antique) *80.SHM/paper slv..........................3,500
MAGNUM - Chase The Dragon (Belle Antique) *82.SHM/paper slv..............3,500
MAGNUM - The Eleventh Hour! (Belle Antique) *83.SHM/paper slv.............3,500
MAGNUM - On A Storyteller's Night (Belle Antique) *85.SHM/paper slv.......3,500
MAGNUM - The last dance (Belle Antique) *2CD live. 96 4,180
MAINHORSE - Mainhorse (Belle Antique) *71. SHM/paper sleeve.....3,457
MAINHORSE - Mainhorse (Belle Antique) *71. ...................................2,970
MANDALABAND - The eye of wendor: prophecies (BA) *78. SHM. paper slv 3,457
MANDY MORTON & SPRIGUNS - Magic Lady (Belle Antique) *78.SHM/paperslv....3,457
MANFRED MANN CHAPTER THREE - same (Belle Antique) *69.SHM/paperslv....3,457
MANFRED MANN CHAPTER THREE - Volume Two (Belle Antique) *70.SHM/paperslv..3,457
MANFRED MANN'S EARTH BAND - Messin' (BA) *73.SHM/paper slv.............3,500
MANFRED MANN'S EARTH BAND - The Good Earth (BA) *74. SHM-CD/Paper Slv....3,457
MANFRED MANN'S EARTH BAND - Nightingales & Bombers (BA) *75. SHM-CD/Paper Slv....3,457
MANFRED MANN'S EARTH BAND - Watch (BA) *78. SHM-CD/Paper Slv.......3,500
MANFRED MANN'S EARTH BAND - Angel Station (BA) *79. SHM-CD/Paper Slv.....3,500
MANFRED MANN'S EARTH BAND - Chance (BA) *80. SHM-CD/Paper Slv.......3,500
MARIANNE SEGAL & DAVE WAITE - Paper flowers (BA) *67-70. pre-Jade 3,143
MARIANNE SEGAL & JADE - Fly on strangewings (BA) *69-13. 3CD BOX. 4,620
MARSUPILAMI - Arena (Belle Antique) *71. SHM. paper sleeve 3,457
MASSACRE - Killing Time (Belle Antique) *81. SHM. paper sleeve 3,600
MAY BLITZ - May Blitz (Universal) *70.......................................................1,100
MAY BLITZ - 2nd of May (Universal) *71....................................................1,100
McDONALD & GILES - same (DGMD Japan) SHM/paper slv........................3.300
MICK FARREN - To the masterlock: live in Japan 2004 (Captain Trip) 2,619
MICK KARN - Bestial Cluster (Gen) *93......................................................3,410
MICK KARN - The Tooth Mother (Gen) *95................................................3,410
MIGHTY BABY - At a point betweenfate and destiny (Belle Antique) 6CD.....7,700
MIKE WESTBROOK - Metropolis (Sony) *71...............................................1,100
THE MIKE WESTBROOK CONCERT BAND - Marching song vol.1/vol.2+bonus
(Belle Antique) *2CD 3,960
MR BIG - The Albums 1976-78 (Belle Antique) 3CD...................................7,040
NATIONAL HEALTH - same (Belle Antique) *78. SHM/paper slv 3,457
NATIONAL HEALTH - Of cueues and cures (Belle Antique) *78. SHM/paper slv 3,457
NAZARETH - Razamanaz (Belle Antique) *73.SHM/paper sleeve 3,600
NAZARETH - Loud 'N' Proud (Belle Antique) *73.SHM/paper sleeve 3,600
NAZARETH - Rampant (Belle Antique) *74.SHM/paper sleeve 3,600
NAZARETH - Hair Of The Dog (Belle Antique) *75.SHM/paper sleeve3,600
NEIL ARDLEY - Kaleidoscope Of Rainbows (Belle Antique) *76. SHM/paper slv....3,457
(Belle Antique) *08. SHM/paper slv 3,457
NICHOLAS GREENWOOD - Cold cuts (Belle Antique) *70. SHM. paper slv. 3,457
NICK MAGNUS - NMonix (Belle Antique) *14 2,970
NUCLEUS & IAN CARR - Torrid zone: the Virtigo recordings 70-75 (Belle Antique) 6CD...7,700
OLIVER WAKEMAN - Anam Gora (Belle Antique) *24....3,300
PATRICK MORAZ - The Story Of i (Belle Antique) *76. SHM/paper sleeve...3,457
PATRICK MORAZ - Out in the sun (Belle Antique) *77................................2,970
PATRICK MORAZ - Same (Belle Antique) *78..............................................2,970
PATRICK MORAZ & BILL BRUFORD - In Tokyo (Belle Antique) *live85 2,970
PATRICK MORAZ & BILL BRUFORD - Temple of Joy (Belle Antique) *3CD...4,180
PATTO - Patto (Belle Antique) *70.SHM/paper slv.......................................3,500
PATTO - Hold Your Fire (Belle Antique) *71.SHM/paper slv........................3,850
PATTO - Roll 'Em Smoke 'Em Put Another Line Out (Belle Antique) *72.SHM/paper slv..3,500
PATTO - Monkey's Bum (Belle Antique) *73/95.SHM/paper slv...................3,500
PATTO - Give It All Away: The Albums 1970-73 (BA) *4CD..........................6,380
PAUL KOSSOFF - Blue soul: the best of (Belle Antique) *compilation 1,951
PENDRAGON - The World 2019 (Belle Antique) *91 3,080
PENDRAGON - The Window Of Life + (Belle Antique) *93.....3,300
PENDRAGON - The Masquerade Overture + (Belle Antique) *96.....3,300
PENDRAGON - Passion (Belle Antique) *11. SHM/paper sleeve 3,457
PENDRAGON - Men who climb mountains (Belle Antique) *2CD. paper slv 3,520
PENDRAGON - Men Who Climb Montains 2019 (Belle Antique)..................3,630
PENDRAGON - Love Over Fear (Belle Antique) *20 2,970
PENDRAGON - Fallen Dreams and All the Loose Ends (BA) *22 3,080
THE PENTANGLE - The Pentangle (Belle Antique) *68.SHM/paper slv.........3,500
THE PENTANGLE - Sweet Child (Belle Antique) *68.2SHM/paper slv...........4,400
THE PENTANGLE - Basket Of Light (Belle Antique) *69.SHM/paper slv........3,500
PENTANGLE - Cruel Sister (Belle Antique) *70.SHM/paper slv.....................3,500
PENTANGLE - Reflection (Belle Antique) *71.SHM/paper slv.......................3,500
PENTANGLE - One more road & live 1994 (Belle Antique) *93+live 94 4,180
PETER BANKS - Two Sides Of Peter Banks (Belle Antique) *73.SHM/paper sleeve3,600
PETER BARDENS - Long Ago, Far Away The Recorodings 1969-1971 (Belle Antique)*2CD..3,960
PETER GREEN - The End of the Game (Belle Antique) *70.50th Anniversary...2,970
PETER HAMMILL - In A Foreign Town / Out Of Water 2023 (BA) *23.2CD...4,620
PHENOMENA featuring GLENN HUGHES - Still The Night (Belle Antique) *20...2,970
PHIL MANZANERA - K-Scope (Belle Antique) *78. SHM/paper slv...............3,080
PHIL MANZANERA - Primitive guitars (Belle Antique) *82. SHM/paper slv...3,080
PHIL MANZANERA - The music 1972-2008 (Belle Antique) SHM/paper slv.3,960
801 - 801(Belle Antique) *76. 2CD SHM/paper sleeve3,960
PHIL MANZANERA / 801 - Listen now (Belle Antique) *77. SHM/paper slv..3,080
801 - Live at Hull (Vivid) *SHM/paper sleeve. rec 77 2,860
PHI YAAN ZEK - Reality is my play thing (Belle Antique) *18. 2CD 3,960
PILOT - The Albums: 4CD Clamshell Boxset (Belle Antique) *74-776,050
PINK FAIRIES - Chinese Cowboys (Captain Trip) *87 live..2,619
PROCOL HARUM - Procols ninth. (B.Antique) *75. 3CD Expanded edition 5,060
QUIET SUN - Mainstream (IAC) *75 (SACD Hybrid) 4,840
QUIET WORLD - The road (Belle Antique) *70. 6 bonus. SHM/paper slv 3,457
QUINTESSENCE - Cosmic energy:Live at St Pancras 1970 (B.Antique) 3,143
QUINTESSENCE - Infinite Love:Live at Queen Elizabeth Hall 1971 (BA)*2CD 3,960
RAPHAEL RUDD - The awakening (Avalon) 2,724
RAW MATERIAL - Same (Belle Antique) *70. 1st. SHM/paper sleeve3,457
REFUGEE - same (Belle Antique) *74. SHM/paper sleeve3,457
RENAISSANCE - Turn of the Cards (Belle Antique) *74. 3CD+DVD...6,600
RENAISSANCE - Scheherazade And Other Stories (Belle Antique) *75/24 2CD+DVD 5,500
RENAISSANCE - LIve at Carnegie Hall (Belle Antique) 3CD.4.950
RENAISSANCE - A Song for All Seasons (Belle Antique) *78 3CD.4.950
RENAISSANCE - Can You Hear Me Broadcasts 1974-1978 (BA) 2CD+BD *24 7,700
RENAISSANCE - Tuscany+In The Land Of The Rising Sun (Belle Antique) *24.3CD..6,930
RENAISSANCE - The Mystic and The Muse (Belle Antique) *10. EP ....1,650
RENAISSANCE - Tour 2011: Live in Concert (Belle Antique) .. 4,950
RICHARD SINCLAIR - Caravan of Dreams (June Dream) *923,520
RICHARD SINCLAIR - R.S.V.P. (June Dream) *943,520
RICHARD SINCLAIR'S CARAVAN OF DREAMS - An Evening Magic (June Dream) *93...4,180
RICK WAKEMAN - The myths & legends of King Arthur...2016 (Avalon) SHM.....4,180
ROBERT CALVERT - Captain lockheed & the starfighters (WHD) *75. paper slv 3,771
ROBERT FRIPP - Exposure (DGMJapan) *79 SHM/paper slv.3,300
ROBERT JOHN GODFREY - The art of melody (Belle Antique) *13 3,080
ROBERT JOHN GODFREY with THE ENID - 70th birthday concert (BA) *18. 2CD 4,400
ROBERT REED - Sanctuary III (Belle Antique) *18. 2CD+DVDA 3,960
ROBERT REED - Cursus 123 430 (BelleAntique) *20. 2CD+DVD................4,180
ROBERT REED / SANCTUARY - Covered (Belle Antique) *24 3,520
ROBERT REED & FRIENDS - Sanctuary, Live at Newbury (Belle Antique) *24.CD+Blu-ray....6,820
ROBERT WEBB - Liquorish allsorts (Belle Antique) *14. Englands kbd 2,750
ROBIN A. SMITH - Mike Oldfield Reimagined For Piano (Belle Antique) ....3,080
ROGER GLOVER AND FRIENDS - The Butterfly Ball And The Grasshopper's Feast
(Belle Antique) *74. SHM-CD+CD/paper sleeve..4,620
ROGER WATERS - The Lockdown Sesstions (Sony) *23 BSCD22,750
RORY RIDLEY-DUFF - Passing decades (Belle Antique) *91-93 3,143
SALAMANDER - The ten commandments (BA) *71. SHM/paper sleeve 3,457
SAMURAI - Samurai: Newly Remastered & Expanded Edition (Belle Antique) *71....2,970
SECOND HAND - Death May be Your Santa Clause (Belle Antique) *71.SHM/paper slv3,600
SENSTAIONAL ALEX HARVEY BAND - Hot city (Belle Antique) *74. paper slv 3,143
SENSATIONAL ALEX HARVEY BAND - US tour 74 (B.Antique) *2CD live 4,180
SEVENTH WAVE - Things To Come (Belle Antique) *73. SHM/paper slv....3,457
SEVENTH WAVE - Things to come (BA) *74. Remastered & expanded edition 2,970
SEVENTH WAVE - Psi-Fi (Belle Antique) *75. SHM/paper slv3,457
SEVENTH WAVE - Psi-fi (BA) *75. Remastered & expanded edition 2,970
SHELAGH MCDONALD - Stargazer (Belle Antique) *71 2nd. SHM/paper slv 3,457
SIMON FINN - The distance between stones: live in Japan 2011 (CaptainTrip) *2CD+DVD 8,172
SLAPP HAPPY - Sort Of (Belle Antique) *72.SHM-CD...3,500
SLAPP HAPPY - Slapp Happy Or Slapphappy (Acnalbasac Noom) (Belle Antique) *80.SHM-CD...3,500
SLAPP HAPPY - Ca Va (Belle Antique) *72.SHM-CD...3,500
DAGMAR KRAUSE / ANTHONY MOORE / PETER BLEGVAD - Camera (Belle Antique) *00.SHM-CD...3,500
SOFT HEAP - same (Belle Antique) *78. SHM/paper sleeve 3,457
SOFT MACHINE - Bundles: Remastered And Expanded 2CD Edition (Belle Antique) *75....4,070
SOFT MACHINE - Bundles (Belle Antique) *75.2SHM/paper slv4,400
SOFT MACHINE LAGACY - Live in Zaandam (Belle Antique) *05 3,143
SPIROGYRA - St radiguns (Belle Antique) *1st. SHM/paper sleeve 3,457
SPIROGYRA - 5: When the cock crows (Belle Antique) *13. SHM/paper slv 3,457
SPRIGUNS OF TOLGUS - Jack With A Feather+Rowdy Dowdy Day
(Belle Antique) *75&74 .SHM/paper sleeve..3,457
SPRIGUNS - REvel Weird and Wild (Universal) *76 1,100
SPRIGUNS - Time Will Pass (Universal) *771,100
MANDY MORTON & SPRIGUNS - Magic Lady (Belle Antique) *78 .SHM/paper sleeve.3,457
SPRING - Spring (Belle Antique) *71. SHM-CD+CD/paper sleeve4,620
STACKRIDGE - Stackridge Expanded CD Edition (Belle Antique) *713,300
STACKRIDGE - Friendliness 2CD Expnded Edition (Belle Antique) *72.2CD4,180
STACKRIDGE - The Man In The Bowler Hat 2CD Ed (Belle Antique) *74.....4,620
STACKRIDGE - Extravaganza 2CD Ed (Belle Antique) *754,620
STACKRIDGE - Mr. Mick Expanded 2CD Edition (Belle Antique) *76 4,400
STACKRIDGE - The Forbidden City Live (Belle Antique) *24 2CD+DVD....7,480
STACKRIDGE - Lost And Found - The Reunion Years 1999-2015 (Belle Antique) *24 4CD 9,020
STEAMHAMMER - Mountains (Belle Antique) *703,080
STEVE HACKETT & DJABE - Summer storms & rocking rivers (BA) *11. CD+DVD 3,960
STEVE HACKETT & DJABE - Life is a journey (Belle Antique) *17. CD+DVD:NTSC 3,960
STEVE HACKETT & DJABE - Life is a journey the Budapest live tapes
(Belle Antique) *live 17. 2CD+DVD:NTSC 4,730
STEVE HACKETT & DJABE - Back to sardinia (Belle Antique) *19. CD+DVD:NTSC3,850
STEVE HACKETT & DJABE - The Journey Continues (Belle Antique) *21 2CD+DVD..5,060
STEVE HACKETT & DJABE - Live In Gyor (Belle Antique) *23.2CD+Blu-ray...6,600
THE STEVE HOWE TRIO - New Frontier (B.Antique) *19.. 2,970
STEVE THORN - Into the ether (Belle Antique) *09 3rd. melodic sympho 3,143
STRANGE DAYS - Nine parts to the wind (Belle Antique) *75. SHM/paper slv...3,457
STRAWBS - Heartbreak Hill (Belle Antique) *95. Rec 782,970
STRAWBS - The Magic Of It All (Belle Antique) *233,520
STRAY - same (Belle Antique) *70. SHM/paper sleeve 2,336
THE SYN - Flowerman: Rare Blooms From The Syn (Belle Antique) *21CD+DVD....2,970
THE SYN with MOON SAFARI (Avalon) *162,860
THE TANGENT - Proxy (Belle Antique) *18. 11th. 3,080
THE TANGENT - Auto Reconnaissance (Belle Antique) *203,080
TANGEKANIC - Hotelcantaffordit (BA) *18. THE TANGENT +KARMAKANIC 3,080
TEAR GAS - Piggy go Getter (Belle Antique) *70 *1st2,970
TEMPEST - Tempest (Belle Antique) *73.SHM/paper slv3,500
TEMPEST - Living In Fear (Belle Antique) *74.SHM/paper slv3,500
THIRD EAR BAND - Alchemy: 2CD remastered & expanded ed. (BA) *69.*2CD..3,850
THIRD EAR BAND - Mosaics: The Albums 1969-1972 (BA) *3CD4,180
THIRD EAR BAND - Elements 1970-71 (Bella Antique) *3CD.4,730
THIRD EAR BAND - Macbeth remastered & expanded edition. (Belle Antique) *72.. 3,080
THIS HEAT - same (Belle Antique) *79. SHM/paper sleeve3,457
THIS HEAT - Health And Efficiency (Belle Antique) *80. SHM/paper sleeve..2,860
THIS HEAT - Deceit (Belle Antique) *81. SHM/paper sleeve.3,457
TIGER MOTH TALES - Cocoon (Bella Antique) *14. 1st paper sleeve 2,970
TIGER MOTH TALES - Story tellers part 1 (Belle Antique) *15. multi player 3,080
TIGER MOTH TALES - The depths of winter (Belle Antique) *17 3,080
TIGER MOTH TALES - Story tellers part 2 (Belle Antique) *183,080
TIGER MOTH TALES - A vist to zoetermeer (Belle Antique) *19. CD+DVD/NTSC.3,080
TIGER MOTH TALES - Still Alive / A Visit To Rockfield (Belle Antique) *20. CD+DVD/NTSC3,300
TIGER MOTH TALES - The Whispering of the World / The Quite Room Session (BA) *20..3,080
TIGER MOTH TALES - A Song of Spring (Belle Antique) *223,080
TIGER MOTH TALES - Spring Re-loaded (Belle Antique) *222,200
TIGER MOTH TALES - A Visit To Oxfordshire (Belle Antique) *223,080
TIGER MOTH TALES - The Turning Of The World (BA) *233,300
TIGER MOTH TALES - The Whispering Suite (BA) *232,750
TIGER MOTH TALES - Cocoon:10th Anniversary Edition (BA) *143,300
TILLISON, REINGOLD, TIRANTI - Allium, Una Storia (Belle Antique) *21....3,080
TIME - Time (Belle Antique) *75. SHM/paper slv3,457
TITUS GROAN - same (Belle Antique) *70. SHM/paper sleeve 3,457
TOE FAT - Bad Side Of The Moon: An Anthology 1970-1972 (Belle Antique) 2CD..3,960
TOM NEWMAN - A Faerie Symphony II (Belle Antique) *212,970
TOMORROW - Permanent Dream (Belle Antique) *683,300
TONY BANKS - A chord too far (Belle Antique) *4CD box+book 9,720
TRACEY THORN A Distant Shore: Expanded Edition (BA) *823,520
TRAPEZE - Trapeze (Belle Antique) *70.SHM-CD/paper slv3,500
TRAPEZE - Medusa (Belle Antique) *70.SHM-CD+CD/paper slv4,180
TRAPEZE - You Are The Music ...We're Just The Band
(Belle Antique) *72.SHM-CD+2CD/paper slv.......4,950
TRAPEZE - Don't Stop The Music: Complete Recordings Volume 1 1970-1992
(Belle Antique) *2210,560
TREVOR RABIN - 90124 (Belle Antique) *03. SHM/paper sleeve. 3,457
THE TRIO - same (Belle Antique) *1st. 2SHM/paper sleeve. John Surman 4,620
THE TRIO - Conflaglation (Belle Antique) *2nd. SHM/paper sleeve 3,457
T2 - It all work out in boomland (Belle Antique) *70 3CD5,280
TUBULAR WORLD - Hergest Ridge 50th Anniversary Edition (Belle Antique) *24 3,520
THE TUBULAR ALL STARS - Rare And Reworked: The Music Of Mike Oldfield (BA) *23.33,00
TUDOR LODGE - Runaway (Belle Antique) *03 3,143
21st CENTURY SCHIZOID BAND - Live in Japan (IAC) 02 Live CD+DVD 4,400
TWINK - Think Pink (Belle Antique) *70 SHM-CD+CD..paperslv.3,457
U.K. - U.K. (Univarsal) *78 SHM-CD1.885
UNEVEN ELEVEN - Live at Cafe Oto (Belle Antique) *2CD live 13. C.Hayward 4,180
V.A. - Yesterday and today : 50th anni. tribute to YES (Belle Antique) *18 2,970
VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR - Aerosol Grey Machine (BA)*69.SHM/paper sleeve..3,457
VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR - H to He who am... (Universal) *70. SHM ....1,885
VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR - Pawn hearts (Universal) *71. SHM 1,885
VAN DER GRAAF - Vital - Van Der Graaf Live 2CD Edition (Belle Antique) *78...4,070
VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR - Present (Belle Antique) *05.2SHM/paper slv....4,400
VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR - Trisector (BA) *08.SHM/paper slv3,500
VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR - A Grounding In Number (BA) *11.SHM/paper slv....3,500
VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR - Do Not Disturb (BA) *16. SHM/paper slv. 1,885
VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR - The Bath Forum Concert (Belle Antique) *23.Live22..12,100
VLY - Time (Belle Antique) *15 2,852
WARHORSE - Warhorse (Belle Antique) *70.SHM/paper slv3,500
WARHORSE - Red Sea (Belle Antique) *72.SHM/paper slv.3,500
THE WOODS BAND - The Woods Band Remastered (BA) *71 2,970
WOOLLY WOLSTENHOLME - Black box recovered (BA) *BJH s kbd 3,143
WOOLY WOLSTENHOLME S MAESTOSO - One drop in a dry world (BA) *04. normal edit 3,143
WOOLY WOLSTENHOLME S MAESTOSO - One drop in a dry world (BA) *04. 2CD edit 4,180
WOOLY WOLSTENHOLMES MAESTOSO - Fiddling meanly (BA) *04 live 3,143
WOOLY WOLSTENHOLME S MAESTOSO - grim (Belle Antique) *05 3,143
THEWORK - Rubber cage (Belle Antique) *89 3rd 3,143
THE WORK - See (Belle Antique) *92 3,143
WRITING ON THE WALL - The Power Of The Picts (Belle Antique) *69...SHM/paper slv4,400
YES - Beyond And Before: The BBC Recordings 1969-1970 (BA) *24.SHM/paper slv4,400
ZIOR - Before my eyes go blind (Belle Antique) *4CD.6,380
アーティスト - タイトル(レーベル) *発売年 備考 税込価格(円)
ABSOLUTE ZERO - crashing icons (rer) *04 2,365
AFFINITY - same (Repertoire) *paper sleeve 2,200
AFFINITY - Origins 1965-67 (Angel Air)......................................................1,980
AFFINITY - Origins: the baskervilles 1965 (Angel Air).................................1,980
AFTER THE FIRE - Signs of change (Angel Air)............................................1,980
AGE OF DISTRACTION - A Game Of Whispers (No Label) *24 3,300
- Captain Lockheed & The Spacefighters Live! (Purple Pyramid)*19. 3,080
- Hall Of The Mountain Grill Live (London 14) (Purple Pyramid)*19. 3,080
ALAN PARSONS PROJECT - I robot (Sony/BMG) *77 1,540
ALAN PARSONS - One Note Symphony: Live in Tel Aviv (Frontiers)
Rec.19 *22. DVD/NTSC+2CD...............................3,850
ALAN PARSONS - From The New World (Frontier) *22.CD+DVD.................3,740
ALAN REED - Live in Liverpool (Red Dwarf) *13. unplugged 1,870
ALAN WHITE - Ramshackled (Wounded Bird) 2,200
ALIAS EYE - In between (Progrock) *12. sympho 2,090
ALIAS EYE - In focus (QuiXote) *07. hard sympho 2,860
ALISON ODONNELL - Climb sheer the fields of peacce (Mega Dodo) *17 2,860
ALLAN HOLDSWORTH - Wardenclyffe tower (JMS) *92 2,750
ALLAN HOLDSWORTH/GORDON BECK - The things you see (JMS) *80 2,420
ALLAN HOLDSWORTH & GORDON BECK - With a Heart in My Song (JMS) *88....2,420
ALLAN HOLDSWORTH - Warsaw Summer Jazz Days 98 (Manifest)......2,860
ALQUIMIA - A separate reality (BSC) *01 2,750
ALSO EDEN - Think of the children! (Festival) *11 2,420
ALSO EDEN - Redacted (FestivalMusic) *13. sympho 2,200
AMANDA LEHMANN - Innocent And Illusion (No Label) *21..................................2.860
AMAZING BLONDEL - The amazing blondel & a few faces (ProgTemple) *70 1st 2,475
ANATHEMA - We're Here Because We're Here (Kscope) *10 1,980
ANATHEMA - Internal landscapes 2008-2018 (Kscope) *18. Best 2,420
ANATHEMA - Universal (Kscope) *CD+DVD:NTSC. live 12 .....2,420
THE ANCHORESS - The Art of Losing (Kscope) 21......................................2,530
ANDERSON BRUFORD WAKEMAN HOWE - same (Esoteric) *89. 2CD 2,530
ANDERSON PONTY BAND - Better late than never (Ear) *CD+DVD:NTSC 2,860
ANDERSON PONTY BAND - Better late than never (Ear) *15 2,420
ANDERSON/WAKEMAN - The living tree (Gonzo Multimedia) *10 2,585
ANDERSON/WAKEMAN - The living tree in concert part 1 (Gonzo) *11 2,585
ANDREW CRONSHAW - The great dark water (Acrobat) *82 2,420
ANDREW CRONSHAW - Ochre (Cloud Valley) *04 2,365
ANDREW TAYLOR - Mohribold *CD-R. 16 2,200
ANDY JACKSON - Signal to noise (Esoteric) *14 2,420
ANDY JACKSON - 73 days at sea (Esoteric) *16. CD+DVDA 3,300
ANDY JACKSON - Twelve Half Steps (Esoteric Antenna) *23.CD+BD............4,620
ANDY SEARS - Souvenir (AndySears) *11. Twelfth Night Vo 1,870
ANDY SUMMERS - World Gone Strange (Music on CD) *91......................1,430
ANDY SUMMERS - Harmonics of the Night (Flickerring Shadow) *21.........2,750
ANNA MEREDITH - Fibs (Moshi Moshi) *19...............................................3,080
ANTHONY MOORE - The Only Choice (Blueprint) *00................................2,420
ANTHONY MOORE - CSound + Saz (Touch) *22.........................................3,630
ANTHONY PHILLIPS - 1984 (Esoteric) *2CD+DVD:NTSC. 81 3,960
ANTHONY PHILLIPS - Invisible men (Blueprint) *84 2,475
ANTHONY PHILLIPS - Private Parts & Pieces I-IV (Esoteric) *15 5CD..........6,160
ANTHONY PHILLIPS - Private parts & pieces IX & X (Voiceprint) *2CD 2,640
ANTHONY PHILLIPS - Private parts & pieces IX - XI (Esoteric) *4CD box 4,950
ANTHONY PHILLIPS - The Living Room Concert (Esoteric) *95...................2,200
ANTHONY PHILLIPS - The archive collection vol.1&2 (Esoteric) *5CD ....7,150
ANTHONY PHILLIPS - Field day (Esoteric) *05. 2CD+DVD-A 3,960
ANTHONY PHILLIPS - Ahead of the field: Music for TV and film (VP) *10 1,540
ANTHONY PHILLIPS - Strings of light (Esoteric Antenna) *19 *2CD+DVD 3,630
ANTHONY PHILLIPS - Radio clyde 1978 (Blueprint) 2,640
ANTHONY PHILLIPS & JOJI HIROTA - Wildlife (Voiceprint) 1,760
ANTHONY PHILLIPS & HARRY WILLIAMSON - Gypsy Suite (Esoteric) *95..2,640
ANTIMATTER - A Profusion Of Thought (Music In Stone) *22.....................3,300
a.P.A.t.T. - Fun with music (Altrock) *16. 7th 2,420
APOSTLE - Sky Above Me, Earth Below Me, Fire Within Me (Progressive Gears) *20....1,540
APPLE - An Apple A Day... (Grapfruit) *69...................................................2,200
AQUAPLANAGE - same (Cheeky Features) *09. sympho 2,475
ARCADIUM - Breathe Awhile (Kismet) *16..................................................2,530
ARENA - Songs from The Lions Cage (Verglas) *95 1st 3,080
ARENA - Pride (Verglas) *96 2nd........................................................2,200
ARENA - Immortal ? (Verglas) *00. . 2,200
ARENA - Contagion (Verglas) *02..............................................................2,200
ARENA - Peppers ghost (Verglas) *05. . 2,200
ARENA - The Seventh Degree Of Separation (Verglas) *11.......................... 2,200
ARENA - The Unquiet Sky (Verglas) *15......................................................3,080
ARENA - XX (Metal Mind Production) *2CD. 16. live 15..............................2,750
ARENA - Double Vision (Verglas) *18....................................................3,080
ARENA - The Theory Of Morecular Inheritance (Vergras) *22 4,400
ARENA - Lifian: Tour MMXXII (Verglas) * 20........4,620
ARGENT - Encore (BGO) *74..............................................3,080
ARGENT - Circus (Talking Elephant) *752,420
ARMAGEDON - Same (Esoteric)...........2,640
ARMY OF BRIARS - Made From A Broken Star (Discus) *22?...................2,860
THE ARTAUD BEATS - Nodutgang bodo 28.10.11 2,096
THE ARTAUD BEATS - Japan 2012 revisited *CD-R. live 12 2,096
THE ARTAUD BEATS - Shibuya 17.06.12 DVD *DVD-R live12 2,096
THE ARTAUD BEATS - Nodutgang.Bodo 28,10,11(Bonobo's) 2,750
ART BEARS - Hopes & fears (ReR) *78. 1st 2,420
ART BEARS - Winter Songs (ReR) *2nd.......................................................2,420
ART BEARS - The world as it is today (ReR) *3rd.....2,365
ART BEARS (V.A.) - The bonus disc (ReR) *14........................................2,420
ARTHUR BROWN - Chisholm in my bosom (Esoteric) *77 1,870
KINGDOME COME - Galactic Zoo Dossier (Esoteric) *71.........................2,200
KINGDOM COME WITH ARTHUR BROWN - Live 1973 (Gonzo) *2CD 2,420
ARTHUR BROWN - Live in Bristol 2002 / Kive 1967-1968 (Gonzo) 2CD......2,420
THE ARTWOODS - Art gellery (Repertoire) *14 bonus. feat John Lord 1,870
ASAF SIRKIS & THE INNER NOISE - The song withing (SAM) *07. fusion 3,080
ASHTON GARDNER DIKE & CO - What a bloody long day its been (Rep) *72 1,430
ASIA - Aria: special edition (InsideOut) *05 1,650
ASIA - Phoenix (Asia) *2CD. US edition + EU edition. 08 3,300
ASTRAL NAVIGATIONS - same (Background) 3,457
ATLANTIC BRIDGE - same (Esoteric) *70. British jazz 2,200
ATMOSPHERES featuring CLIVE STEVEN & FRIENDS - same (ESC) *73 3,080
ATOMIC ROOSTER - Live in London 1972 (Gonzo) 1,540
ATOMIC ROOSTER - Lose your mind (Tune) 2,750
ATOMIC ROOSTER - Home to roost (TalkingElephant) *2CD 2,750
ATOMIC ROOSTER - Ultimate chicken meltdown (pearls from the past) 1,540
ATOMIC ROOSTER - Homework (Angel Air) 2,750
ATOMIC ROOSTER - On air -Live at the BBC & other (Repertoire) *2CD+DVD:NTSC 3,630
ATOMIC ROOSTER - A classic history of (Store For Music)*18. 3CD compi 5,280
AUDIENCE - Lunch (Virgin) *72 4th 1,650
BABE RUTH - Grand slam: the best of Babe Ruth (EMI) *best 1,870
BABE RUTH - Darker Than Blue Harvest Years 72-75 (Esoteric) 3CD 5,280
BABER / WILEMAN - Baber / Wileman (Believers Roast) *22....................2,860
BABER / WILEMAN - 2 (Believers Roast) *24 3,300
BABE RUTH - Darker Than Blue The Harvest Years 1972-1975 (Esoteric) 5,280
BACHDENKEL - Rise And Fall: The Anthology (Grapefruit) *22.3CD............4,950
BACK DOOR - Back Door/8th Street Nites/Another Fine Mess (BGO) *72/73/75..3,520
BACK STREET CRAWLER - 2nd street (Wounded Bird) 2,475
BADGER - One live badger (Voiceprint)...................................................... 2,420
BAKER GURVITZ ARMY - Live in Milan Italy 1976 (Voiceprint) *76 live 2,860
BAKERLOO - Same (Esoteric) *69 2,200
BARBARA THOMPSON - Heavenly bodies (Intuition) *86 2,585
BARBARA THOMPSONS PARAPHERNALIA - Nightwatch (Intuition) *83 2,585
BARBARA THOMPSONS PARAPHERNALIA - Breathless (Intuition) *91 2,585
BARBARA THOMPSONS PARAPHERNALIA - Thompson s tangos (Intuition) *00 2,585
BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST - Once Again (Esoteric) *71.3CD+Blue-ray.......7,480
BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST - And other short stories (Elemental Music) *paper slv 2,750
BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST - Baby James Harvest (Esoteric) *72 4CD+BD....8,030
BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST - Everyone is everybody else (Esoteric) *74 2CD+DVD...4,950
BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST - Live (Esoteric) *74..........................................2,640
BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST - Octoberon (Esoteric) *76. 2CD+DVD:NTSC 3,850
BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST - Gone to earth (Esoteric) *77 2CD+DVD:NTSC..3,960
BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST - Gone to earth (Polydor) *77..........................2,200
BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST - After the Day: Radio Broadcasts 74-76 (Polydor)...3,300
BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST - Turn of the tide (Esoteric) *80........................2,420
BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST - A concert for the people: Berlin (Esoteric) *82...2,420
BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST - Glasnost (Esoteric) *2CD Berlin live 87 2,585
BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST - Brave new world (Snapper) *2CD 1,650
BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST featuring LESHOLROYD - Revolution days (M) *02 3,080
BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST featuring LESHOLROYD - Live in Bonn (ZYX) 1,980
BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST featuring LESHOLROYD - Retrospective(ZYX)*2CD live 3,300
JOHN LEES BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST - Legacy live at the Shepherds Bush
Empire London 2006 (Esoteric) 1,980
JOHN LEES BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST - Recorded live in concert at Metropolis
Studios, London (Convexe) *live 10. CD+DVD:NTSC 2,640
JOHN LEES BARCLAY JAMES HARVEST - High Voltage live July 23.11 (HV) 1,980
BARON - Torpor (Svart) *15 *3rd...............................................................2,200
BEATRIX PLAYERS - Magnified (Beatrix Players) *17 1st. female trio 1,511
BEDLAM - Live in Binghampton 1974 (Angel Air) *live 74 2,420
BEGGARS OPERA - Waters of change (Repertoire) *71.....2,750
BEGGARS OPERA - Pathfinder (Repertoire) *72.....2,750
BEGGARS OPERA - Pathfinder/Get Your Dog Off Me (BGO)..2CD...2,970
BEGGARS OPERA - Close to my heart (Repertoire) *07 1,760
BEVERLEY CRAVEN / JUDIE TZUKE / JULIA FORDHAM - Woman to woman (Right Track).3,080
BIG BIG TRAIN - Folklore (English Electric) *16.........................2,530
BIG BIG TRAIN - Grimspound (English Electric) *17.........................2,200
BIG BIG TRAIN - Merry chrisitmas (English Electric) *17 EP............................1,650
BIG BIG TRAIN - Swan Hunter (English Electric) *18 EP.........................1,320
BIG BIG TRAIN - The Underfall World (English Electric) 2,530
BIG BIG TRAIN - Common Ground (English Electric) *212,530
BIG BIG TRAIN - The Likes of us (Inside Out) *24.CD+BD.....4,400
BIG HOGG - Pageanc Of Beasts (Bad Elephant) *21....................................2,530
THE BIG JIM SULLIVAN BAND - Test of time (Grey Scale) 2,420
BILL BRUFORD - Double Time (Winterfold) CD+DVD/NTSC......................2,200
BILL BRUFORD'S EARTHWORKS - Earthworks (Summerfold) *80.1st.........2,200
BILL BRUFORDS EARTHWORKS - Heavenly Bodies (Summerfold).2CD..2,640
BILL BRUFORDS EARTHWORKS - Stamping Ground (Summerfold).............2,200
BILL BRUFORDS EARTHWORKS - Randam Acts of Happiness (Summerfold)...2,530
BILL BRUFORD/TIM GARLAND - Earthworks Undeground Orchestra (Summerfold)...2,640
BILL BRUFORDS EARTHWORKS - The Sound of Surprise (Summerfold).....2,420
BILL BRUFORD'S EARTHWORKS - Live In Santiago (Summerfold) *19.CD+DVD/NTSC...3,300
BILL BRUFORD'S EARTHWORKS - Video Anthology Vol.1- 2000's (Summerfold).....3,630
BILL BRUFORD'S EARTHWORKS - Video Anthology Vol.2- 1900's (Summerfold).....3,630
BILL BRUFORD'S EARTHWORKS - Complete Box (Summerfold)*20CD *4DVD/NTSC...20,900
BILLIE BOTTLE & THE MULTIPLE - The Other Place (Bad Elephant) *21.........2,530
BILLY SHERWOOD & TONY KAYE - Live In Japan (No Label) *'16 DVD/PAL+2CD..3,300
BLACK MIDI - Schlagenheim (Rough Trade) *19 ............................................2,970
BLACK WIDOW - Sacrifice (Repertoire) 2CD+DVD/NTSC... 3,500
BLACK WIDOW - II (Repertoire) *70...................................................2,640
BLOSSOM TOES - We are ever so clean (Happydays) *CD-R. 67 2,365
BODAST - Towards Utopia (Esoteric) *81 2,750
BOXER Below The Belt (Esoteric) *75.......................................................2,200
BOXER - Bloodletting (Esoteric) *76 2nd 2,200
BRACKENBURY BIANCO - Wayward Mystic (Discus) *22..2CD.....................3,520
BRAINCHILD - Healing of the lunatic owl (Aurora) *70. 1 bonus 2,750
BRAND X - Unorthodox behaviour (Virgin) *76 1st 1,870
BRAND X - Livestock (Virgin) *77 1,870
BRAND X - Nuclea Burn (Virgin)*76-80 4CD.............................................4,400
BRAND X - Xcommunication (Gonzo) *92. different cover 2,200
BRAND X - Missing period (Gonzo) *rec 75-76 2,640
BRAND X - The X files (Gonzo) *2CD. live + rarities 2,585
BRIAN AUGER'S OBLIVION EXPRESS - Super Pop Montreux '70 (Repertoire) *24 3,740
BRIGET ST. JOHN - From There/ To Here
: uk/us recordings 1974-1982 (Cherry Red) 3CD.........5,280
BRUFORD - Gradually Going Tornado / The bruford tapes (Winterfold) 2CD...2,750
BUDGIE - Budgie (NPL)....................................................................2,860
BUDGIE - Squawk (NPL)....................................................................2,860
BUDGIE - Bandolier (NPL) *75 3,080
BUDGIE - If I Were Britania Id Waive The Rules (NPL) *763,080
BUDGIE - Power supply (NPL).*80............................................................3,300
BUDGIE - If swallowed, do not induce vomiting (NPL) *80. 2 bonus 2,200
BUDGIE - The BBC Recordings (NPL) *72-82 2CD ..3,520
BUDGIE - The Radio Session 1974&1978 (NPL) *2CD3,300
BUDGIE - The Last Stage (NPL) *79/85 3,080
BUDGIE - You're All Living in Cuckooland (NPL) *06 3,080
CAAMORA - She (Metal Mind) *2DVD:NTSC+4CD. Clive Nolan 7,700
CAAMORA - She (Metal Mind) *2CD. Epic rock opera by Clive Nolan 2,860
CAAMORA - Embrace EP (Metal Mind) *4 tracks. Clive Nolan 1,650
CAMBERWELL NOW - All's well (ReR) *82~85...........................................2,200
CAMEL - same (Universal) *73 1st. 2 bonus .2,530
CAMEL - Mirage (Universal) *74 2nd. 4 bonus 1,870
CAMEL - The snow goose (Universal) *75 3rd. 5 bonus 1,870
CAMEL - The snow goose: Deluxe edition (Universal) *2CD. +BBC live 3,520
CAMEL - Moonmadness (Universal) *76. 5 bonus 2,420
CAMEL - A live record (Decca) *2CD live 74,77. 7 bonus 3,300
CAMEL - Rain dances (Decca) *77. 7 bonus: BBC sight and sound 2,420
CAMEL - Brethless (Decca) *78..................................................................2,420
CAMEL - I Can See Your House From Here (Decca) *792,750
CAMEL - Nude (Decca) *812,750
CAMEL - The single factor (Esoteric) *82. 1 bonus 2,420
CAMEL - Stationary Traveller (Esoteric) *84................................................2,750
CAMEL - Kosei nenkin hall Tokyo January 27, 1980 (Floating World) *192,200
CARAVAN - In the land of grey and pink (Decca) *5 bonus 2,420
CARAVAN - Live at the fairfield halls 1974 (Decca) 2,860
CARMEN - The Gypsies/Widescreen (Angel Air).......................................3,080
CASTANARC - The Sea Of Broken Vows (Khepra) *21..................................2,970
CATHERINE ANDREWS - Fruition (Cat Trax) *82 3,080
CATHERINE HOWE - Because it would be beautiful (TalkingElephant) *15 2,860
CENTIPEDE - Septober Energy (Esoteric) *71 2CD......................................2,640
CHARLES HAYWARD - Switch on war (Sub Rosa) 2,860
CHARLES HAYWARD - Escape from Europe (Locus Solus) *97 ...2,420
CHARLES HAYWARD - Near + far (Locus Solus) *live in Japan vol.3 2,420
CHARLIE CAWOOD - Blurring into motion (Bad Elephant Music) *19.........2,420
CHASING THE MONSOON - No ordinary world (Immrama).........................2,200
CHIMPAN A - The empathy machine (Tigermoth) *20 with bonus DVD/NTSC...2,420
CHRIS CUTLER - CD Japan 15 CDR.............................................................3,080
CHRIS CUTLER - CD Japan 16 CDR.............................................................3,080
CHRIS CUTLER & FRED FRITH - Live in Moscow, Prague & Washington (ReR) 2,420
CHRIS CUTLER / FRED FRITH - 2 Gentlemen in verona (ReR) .........2,200
CHRIS FRY - Composed *12. Magenta s guitarist 1,870
CHRIS RAINBOW - White tales (Lemon) *79 2,200
CHRIS SQUIRE - Fish out of Water (Esoteric) *75 Blu-ray............................2,750
CHRIS SQUIRE & BILLY SHERWOOD - Conspiracy live (Purple Pyramid) 2,750
CHRIS THOMPSON - Toys & dishes (Esoteric) *14 2,420
CHRISTINA - Bar Stool Prophet (Tigermoth) *23.....................................2,750
CHROMIUM HAWK MACHINE - Annunaki (Black Widow) *2CD. 17. Nik Turner 3,630
CIRCU5 - Circu5 (ST Productions) *17 2,530
CIRCULUS - Clocks are like people (Rise Above) 2,970
CIRKUS - One plus (Prog Temple) *73 2,750
CIRKUS - Page 12 (On The Right) (Ramshaw) *21.CD-R.............................2,750
CITIZEN CAIN - Serpents in camouflage (Festival) *2CD. 93. sympho 2,640
CITIZEN CAIN - Ghost dance (Festival) *96 2,420
CITIZEN CAIN - Playing dead (Festival) *02 5th 2,420
CITIZEN CAIN - Skies darken (Festival) *12 6th 2,420
CLAIR HAMILL - Touchpaper (Cherry Red) *83. 4 bonus 2,200
CLARK HUTCHINSON - A:MH2...expanded (Sunbeam) *2CD. psyche 3,080
CLEAR BLUE SKY - same (Repertoire) *70. paper sleeve 1,980
CLIVE NOLAN - Hidden treasure (Can Music) *15. unreleased tracks 3,080
COLIN BASS - An outcast of the islands (Wild End) 2,200
COLIN BASS - Live at Polskie radio 3 (Oskar) *2CD live 99 2,585
COLINBASS - Live vol.2: Acoustic songs (Oskar) 2,585
COLINBASS - Live vol.2: Acoustic songs (Oskar) *00 live. digipack 2,365
COLIN BASS - In the Meantime (Oskar) ......................................................2,530
COLIN BASS & JOSEF SKRZEK - Planetarium (Oskar) *05 2,420
COLIN BASS/DANIEL BIRO - More (Sargasso) *243,300
COLIN EDWIN & LORENZO FELICIATI - Twinscapes V.02 (RareNoise) *18...2,640
COLIN BASS/DANIEL BIRO - More (Sargasso) *24 3,300
COLIN MOLD - Now you see me (Colin Mold) *14 sympho 2,200
COLOSSEUM - Daughter of time (Sanctuary) *1 bonus 1,980
COLOSSEUM - Live: expanded edition (Sanctuary) * 1 bonus 2,585
COLOSSEUM - Live Cologne 1994 (Angel Air) 2,750
COLOSSEUM - Live: The reunion concerts 1994 (Talking Elephant) 2,420
COLOSSEUM - Bread & circuses (Talking Elephant) *97 2,420
COLOSSEUM - Live At Montreux 1970 (Repertoire) CD+DVD.....................4,180
COLOSSEUM - Live At The Ruisrock Festival,Turku,Finland 1970 (Repertoire).3,300
COLOSSEUM - Transmissions Live At The BBC (Repertoire) *20. Rec69-71...10,450
COLOSSEUM - Live In Germany (Repertoire) *21. 2CD+DVD. Rec 69-71...5,280
COLOSSEUM - Restoration (Repertoire) *22...............................................2,970
COLOSSEUM II - Strange New Flesh (Esoteric) *76 2CD..............................3,080
COLOSSEUM II - Electric Savage / War Dance (BGO) *77..........................2,500
COLOSSEUM II - War Dance (BGO) *77......................................................2,640
COMUS - First utterance (Esoteric) *71 2,200
COMUS - Song to comus: the complete collection (Sanctuary) *2CD 2,200
CONTACT - Zero moment (Temporary Residence) *16. electro/prog 2,530
CONTINUUM - I: The continuum recyclings vol.1 (Tonefloat) *2CD. 05 4,070
CONTINUUM - II: The continuum recyclings vol.II (Tonefloat) *2CD. 07 4,070
COSA BRAVA - Ragged atlas (Intakt) *10. Fred Frith, Zeena Parkins 3,080
COSMOGRAF - The unreasonable silence (Cosmograf) *16 2,200
COSMOGRAF - Rattrapante (Gravity Dream) *21.........................................2,640
CRAFT - First Signs: Definitive Edition (Explore) *83...................................2,200
THE CRAZY WORLD OF ARTHUR BROWN - Same (Esoteric) *68 3,190
THE CRAZY WORLD OF ARTHUR BROWN - Strangelands (Esoteric) *88 2,200
THE CRAZY WORLD OF ARTHUR BROWN - Live in Hebden bridge 1993 (Gonzo) 2,200
CRAZY WORLD OF ARTHUR BROWN - Radio sessions : 68,72,75 (Gonzo) 2,200
CRAZY WORLD OF ARTHUR BROWN - Live 1967-1968 (Gonzo) *live 67/68 2,200
CRAZY WORLD OF AUTHUR BROWN - Live (Gonzo). 67,68,69,70,71.................1,870
CRIMSON JAZZ TRIO - King Crimson Songbook vol.2 (Panegyric) *live 09 2,200
THE CRIMSON PROJEKCT - Live in Tokyo (InsideOut) *live 13 3,300
CRIPPLED BLACK PHOENIX - Live poznan (Cool Green) *2CD live 3,630
C-SIDES - Devitrification (White Knight) *11. ex-Magenta 1,980
C-SIDES - Foxes On The Road (White Knight) *24.......................................3,080
CURVED AIR - Midnight wire (Repertoire) *75......2,860
CURVED AIR - Airborne (Repertoire) *76 2,420
CURVED AIR - Masters from the vaults (Intense) *Belgium TV. enhanced CD 1,980
CURVED AIR - The Curved Air Family Album (Curved Air) *19....................2,420
THE CUSTODIAN - Necessary Wasted Time (Lasers Edge) *13.....................1,540
CZAR - same (Sunbeam) *70. 2,420
CZAR - same (Sunbeam) *70. digipak. 8bonus 2,530
DADA - same (Esoteric) *70 2,200
DAMANEK - Making Shore (Giant Electric Pe) *23......................................2,860
DAMON SHULMAN - Vultures and sheep (Alucard) *08. prog 2,585
DARRYL WAY - Concerto for electric violin (Esoteric) *78 2,365
DARRYL WAY - Children of the cosmos (Right Honourable) *14 2,640
DARRYL WAY - Myths, legends and tales (Right Honourable) *16 2,420
DARRYL WAY - Vivaldi's Four Seasons In Rock (Right Honourable) *18...2,420
DARRYL WAY - Destinations 2 (Spirit Of Unicorn Music) *21......................2,420
DAS RAD - Laik Tors (Discus) *21............................................................2,530
DAVE BAINBRIDGE - The remembering (Open Sky) *16 3,080
DAVE BAINBRIDGE AND DAVID FITZGERALD - Life journey (Open Sky) *09 2,200
DAVE BAINBRIDGE & SALLY MINNEAR- Live In The Studio (Open Sky) *20 Rec17...2,860
DAVE BROCK - Memos And Demos (atomhenge) *01........1,890
DAVE CURETON - State Of Mind (No Label) *22..........................................3,080
DAVE GREENSLADE - From the discworld (Virgin) 3,080
DAVE GREENSLADE - Gojng South (Angel Air) *99......................................2,420
DAVE GREENSLADE - Time to make hay (Angel Air) *rare tracks 1,980
DAVE SINCLAIR Out of Sinc (Dsincs) *18 1,320
DAVID BEDFORD - Nurses song with elephants (Esoteric) *72 1,870
DAVID BEDFORD - Star clusters, nebulae & places in devon/The song of the
white horse (Voiceprint) *71. 2 in 1 2,585
DAVID BEDFORD - The odyssey live (Gonzo Multimedia) *live 77 2,420
DAVID BEDFORD - The music of david bedford (Mark) *98......................2,750
of Mike Oldfield (Voiceprint) 2,365
DAVID CROSS & DAVID JACKSON - Another Day (Cross&Jackson Music) *18...2,640
DAVID GILMOUR - Rattle that lock: deluxe edit (Sony) *CD+Blu-ray. 15 4,950
DAVID GILMOUR - Rattle that lock (Sony) *15 3,300
DAVID GILMOUR - Live at Pompeii (Sony) *17 2CD 3,300
DAVID JACKSON - Fractal bridge (Fie!) *96. ex. VDGG 3,520
DAVID SYLVIAN / HOLGER CZUKAY - Flux & Mutabillity (Groenland)...........3,520
DBA - Skyscraper Souls (Cherry Red) *17 1,650
DBA - Celestial Songs (DBA V) (Cherry Red) *23........................................2,750
db INFUSION - Muso & proud (db) *11 2nd. fusion 2,365
DEAD CAN DANCE - Anastasia/ In concert (Pias) *2CD 2,860
DEAD HEROES CLUB - Everything is connected (DGC Recordings) *13 2,365
DEAD HEROES CLUB - Hero (White Knight) *24 2,970
DEAN BAKER - Constellations (Oskar) *18..................................................2,420
DEC BURKE - Destroy all monsters (DecBurke) *10 2,200
DECAMERON - Say hello to the band (Esoteric) *73 1,980
DECKCHAIR POETS - Searchin for a lemon squeezer (AngelAir) *15. pop 2,860
DEEEXPUS - King of number 33 (Ear) *12 3,080
DELTA SAXOPHONE QUARTET - Dedicated to you...but...(Moonjune) *feat H.Hopper 1,760
DEUX FILLES - Space & time (Crepuscule) *16 3rd 2,420
THE DEVIANTS - Ptooff ! (Angel Air) *67 1,980
DIAGONAL - 4 (Cobblers) *21................................................................3,080
DIAGONAL - Roadburn Live 2008 (Cobblers) *22......................................3,520
DINOSAUR - Wonder trail (Edition) *18. 2nd. jazz 2,750
DIRK MONT CAMPBELL - Music from a walled garden *11 3,520
DON SHINN - Temples With Prophets (Sunbeam) *69.................................2,860
DON SHINN - Departures (Sunbeam) *69...................................................2,860
DOUGIE MACLEAN - Indigenous (Dunkeld) *91 2,860
DOUGIE MACLEAN - Riof (Dunkeld) *97 2,860
DOUGIE MACLEAN - Perthshire amber (Dunkeld) *live 99 3,080
DRAGONMILK - Wolfman macabre (Audio Archives) *72 2,420
DR.STRANGELY STRANGE - Heavy17 5th. etting and other proclivities (Hux) *7 bonus 1,430
DUNCAN BROWNE - Give M Take You (Grape Fruit) *68.............................2,420
DUNCAN BROWNE feat. METRO - Planet earth (Cherry Tree) *17. 3in2CD 2,530
DUNCAN PARSONS - On Earth, As It is (Rough Draft Audio) *22..........2,970
EARTHLING SOCIETY - Stations of the ghost (4zero) *11 2,200
EARTHLING SOCIETY - Zodiak (4zero) *13. psyche/space rock 3,080
EAST OF EDEN - Mercator Projected (Esoteric) *69...................................2,200
EAST OF EDEN - Snafu (Esoteric) *70.........................................................2,420
EAST OF EDEN - In Concert 1970 (London Calling) *22..2CD....................3,630
EDDIE JOBSON - Theme of secrets (BMG Korea) *85 3,520
EDDIE JOBSON - The green album / Theme of secrets (GMM) *2CD+BD 4,950
EDDIE JOBSON - 1971-1979 the Band years (Universal)............................4,950
EDEN SHADOW - Hail (White Kingdom) *12 mini album. prog metal 1,110
EDISONS CHILDREN - The final breath before November (RD) *13. P.Trewavas 2,200
EDISON'S CHILDREN - Somewhere between here and there (Random Disturbance) *15.2,970
EDISON'S CHILDREN - The disturbance friends (RD) *19...........................2,860
ED WYNNE - Shimmer into nature (Kscope) *18 *1st Solo *OZRIC TENTACLES.2,420
ED WYNNE AND GRE VANDERLOO - Tumbling Through The Floativerse (Kscope) *22.2,750
EGG - same (Esoteric) *70 1st 2,420
EGG - The polite force (Esoteric) *70 2nd 2,420
EGG - The Civil surface (Esoteric) *74 3rd 2,750
11:59 - This our sacrifice of praise *folk. Korean press 3,080
ELTON DEAN'S NINESENSE - Happy Daze+Oh! For The Edge (Ogun) *76/77..3,080
ELTON DEAN'S NINE SENSE - Ninesense Suite (Jazzwerkstatt) *11 Rec81...2,860
ELTON DEAN QUARTET - They All Be On This Old Road (Ogun) *77...........3,520
ELTON DEAN/HOWARD RILEY QUARTET - All the tradition (Slam) *90 3,300
DEAN, HOPPER, CLARKE, KNIGHT - The mind in the trees (Blueprint) *98 1,980
ELTON DEAN & THE WRONG OBJECT - The unbelievable truth (Moonjune) *05 1,980
THE EMERALD DAWN - In Time 1,650
EMMETT ELVIN - The end of music (Bad Elephant Music) *19....................2,420
EMMETT ELVIN - Being Of Sound Mind (Bad Elephant Music) *22.............2,750
THE ENID - Something wicked...(Operation Seraphim) 1,980
THE ENID - Something wicked this way comes (Mantella) *83. 1 bonus live 1,870
THE ENID - Live at Loughborough Town Hall, 1980 (Angel Air)..................2,420
THE ENID - Tripping the light fantastic (InnerSanctum) 2,585
THE ENID - Journeys end (OperationS) *12 mix. 2,200
THE ENID - Arise and shine: volumes I& II (Operation Seraphim) *2CD 2,860
THE ENID - Live at town hall Birningham (Operation Seraphim) *2CD live 10 2,860
THE ENID - Live at HRH prog 3 & live & Unreleased (Operation Seraphim) *2CD 2,200
THE ENID - Live at Loreley (Operation Seraphim) *DVD:PAL live 10 2,420
THE ENID - HRH prog IV (Operation Seraphim) *DVD:PAL live 16 2,420
THE ENID AND ROBERT JOHN GODFREY - The music of William Arkle and
other recordings (Inner Sanctum) *86/87 2,860
ENOCHIAN THEORY - And all it entails (Music Theories) *12. prog metal 2,365
(PIP PYLES) EQUIPOUT - Up! (Voiceprint) *90 2,475
ESP PROJECT - Phenomena (Sunncreative) *20..........................................2,530
ESP PROJECT - Reverie (Sunn Creative) *23................................................3,300
ESP PROJECT - Silver Waves - Astral Dreams (Sunncreative) *24 3,630
EVAN CARSON - Ocipinski (Evan Carson Music) *19...............................3,300
FAIRPORT CONVENTION - Unhalfbricking (Universal Island) *69. 2 bonus 2,200
FAMILY - Anyway: special edition (Madfish) *2CD. hardcover digipack 2,640
FAMILY - Bandstand (Repuk) *72 6th. paper sleeve 2,860
FAMILY - It s only a movie (Mystic) *73 1,980
FAMILY - History (Snapper Music) *2CD...........................................1,760
FANTASY - Beyond The Beyond plus... (Prog Temple) *74 2,750
THE FAR MEADOW - Foreign cano (Bad Elephant) *19..............................2,420
FELLOWSHIP - In elven lands (Voiceprint) *healing pop/feat. Joh Anderson 2,640
FERRIS WHEEL - Supernatural girl (Audio Archives) *74 2,200
FIELDS - Contrasts: urban roar to country peace (Esoteric) *72 2nd 2,200
THE FIERCE & THE DEAD - The euphoric (Bad Elephant) *18........................2,640
FIRE - The magic shoemaker (Esoteric) *4 bonus 2,200
FIRE - Undergroun and overhead: the alternate fire (Wooden Hill) *demos 3,300
FLAMING TUNES - If it was'nt for hope, the heart would break *85....2,100
FLASH - In The Can (Esoteric) *722,640
FLASH - Featuring Ray Bennett & Colin Carter (Purple Pyramid) *13 2,585
FLOOD - Tales from the four seasons (Unicorn Digital) *09 2,200
FOREST - same/Full circle (BGO) *2CD 2,750
FOX - same (Cherry Red) *75. pop 2,585
FRANCIS DUNNERY - Vampires *2CD. 16. It Bites cover 4,620
FRANCIS MONKMAN - The Bach Family (AFKM) *21...................................2,420
FRED FRITH - Gravity (ReR)..............................2,860
FRED FRITH - Cheap at half the price (ReR) *83.........................................2,200
FRED FRITH - Technology of tears (ReR) *88.............................................2,200
FRED FRITH - Prints (ReR) *87-02 ............................................................2,200
FRED FRITH - Speechless (ReR) 2,420
FRED FRITH - Accidental (ReR) *02..........................................................2,200
FRED FRITH - Keep the dog (ReR) *03/rec91 *2CD live 3,520
FRED FRITH - Middle of the moment (ReR) *O.S.T. 2,750
FRED FRITH/RENE LUSSIER - Nous autres (Victo) 2,970
FREDFRITH & HARDY FOX- A day hanging dead between heaven and earth (Klang galerie) *18 2,970
FRED FRITH TRIO - Closer to the ground (Intakt) *18 3,300
FRIENDS - Fragile (AcmeGramophone) *74. pre-Ithaca 2,860
FRIPP & ENO - Live in Paris 28.05.1975 (Opal) *14...................................3,300
FROSTLAKE - The Weight Of Clouds (Discus) *21......................................2,530
FRUUPP - Future legends (Esoteric) *73 1st. Irish prog. 1 bonus 2,200
FRUUPP - Maide in Ireland (Esoteric) *20. Best 2,200
THE FUTURE KINGS OF ENGLAND - The viewing point (Backwater) *09 2,365
THE FUTURE SOUND OF LONDON - same (Virgin) *94 2CD ..3,960
GALAHAD - Mein Herz Brennt *4 tracks EP...1,540
GALAHAD - Guardian angel *5 tracks EP 1,540
GALAHAD - Seize the day *6 tracks EP 1,540
GALAHAD - Sleepers (Oskar) *95. 2 bonus 2,200
GALAHAD - The Long Goodbye (Avalon) *23...............................................2,860
GANDALF S FIST - A forest of fey *14 5th 2,420
GARY HUSBAND - A meeting of spirits (Alkternity) 2,585
GARY HUSBAND - The complete diary of a plastic box (Angel Air) *2CD 3,520
GARY HUSBAND - Dirty & beautiful volume 1 (Abstract Logix) *01 2,200
GARY HUSBAND & MARKUS REUTER - Music of our Times (Moonjune) *20....2,420
GARY MOORE BNAD - Grinding Stone (Floating World) *73 ...2,420
GARY MOORE - Back on the streets (Universal) *13 1,650
GARY WINDO - Steam radio tapes (Gonzo) 1,540
GENESIS - Trespass (Craft Recordings) *70.................................................3,520
GENESIS - Selling Englamd by the Pound (Atlantic) *73 SACD 8,800
GENESIS - The Last Domino? (Rhino) *21. 2CD.........................................3,850
GENESIS - BBC Broadcasts (UMC) *23.5CD Box........................................8,910
GENESIS - Skywatching 1972 2CD 3,630
GENESIS - Selling England in Montreal (Unicorn) *74 Live 2CD 3,630
GENTLEGIANT - Octopus (Repertoire) *73 4th. digipack 2,475
GENTLE GIANT - Octopus (Vertigo) *73 4th 1,650
GENTLE GIANT - Free Hands (Alvcard) *75. Blu-ray+CD. 2020 remixes.....4,070
GENTLE GIANT - Playing the fool/Civilian (BGO) *2CD 2,860
GENTLE GIANT - The missing piece/Giant for a day (BGO) 2,585
GEOFFREY RICHARDSON - The Garden Of Love (Esoteric Antenna) *15......1,100
GHOST OF THE MACHINE - Scissorgames (Ghost Of The Machine) *22......3,080
THE GIFT - Antena (Bad Elephant Music) *19.............................................2,420
GILES, GILES & FRIPP - The Cheerful Insanity of.... (Esoteric) *68..............2,420
GILES BROTHERS - 1962-1967 (Voiceprint) 2,365
GILGAMESH - same (Esoteric) *75 1st 2,420
GILGAMESH - Another fine tune youve got me into (Esoteric) *78 2nd 2,530
GNIDROLOG - Lady Lake (Esoteric)*722,750
GNIDROLOG - In spite of harrys toe nail/Lady lake (BGO) *1st/2nd 2,750
GOD IS AN ASTRONAUT - Age of the fifth sun (Revive) *10 2,420
GODS - Genesis (Repertoire) *68 1st 2,200
GODSTICKS - The envisage conundrum (Godsticks) *13 2nd. sympho 2,365
GODSTICKS - Emergence *16 2,420
GODSTICKS - Faced with rage (Kscope) *17 2,420
GORDON GILTRAP - Visionary (Esoteric) *76. 5 bonus 2,200
GORDON GILTRAP - Air waves (Esoteric) *82 2,420
GORDON GILTRAP - The peacock party & (Edsel) *2CD 2,585
GORDON GILTRAP - A midnight clear (Lacooka Ratcha) *87 2,750
GORDON GILTRAP - Music for the small screen (La Cooka Ratcha) 2,420
GORDON GILTRAP & OLIVER WAKEMAN - Ravens & lullabies:1CD (Esoteric) *13 2,200
GORDON HASKELL - It is and it isnt (Wounded Bird) 2,200
GRACIOUS - Gracious/This is..Gracious!! (BGO) 2CD 3,300
GRAHAM COLLIER DOZEN - Workpoints: Transmissions 1968 (FAJB) *22....3,300
GRAVY TRAIN - Staircase to the day (Repertoire) *paper sleeve 2,750
GREENSLADE - Same (Warner) *1st 1,760
GREENSLADE - Large afternoon (Angel Air) *00 1,980
GREENSLADE - Live 1973-1975 (Angel Air)................................................2,200
GREENSLADE - Live 2001 (Angel Air)................................................,,,,,,,,,,2,420
GREENSLADE - Sundance A Collection 1973-1975 (Esoteric)......................2,420
GREENSLADE - At The BBC (Repertoire) 73&74 Live 2CD 4,840
GREENSLADE & THOMAS - G&T (Angel Air) *21........................................3,300
GREG LAKE - Live (SFM) *live 05 2,420
GREG LAKE - Live in Piacenza (Esoteric) *12. solo live. ltd 3,300
GREG LAKE - Songs of a lifetime (Esoteric) *13. solo live 2,420
GREG LAKE & GEOFF DOWNES - Ride the tiger (Manticore) *rec 89-90 2,200
GREGORY BRIGHT - Room by greg (Audio Archives) *69 2,475
GRINGO - same (Gonzo Multimedia) 2,585
GUAPO - Elixirs (Neurot) *08. heavy chamber 2,640
GUAPO - Obscure knowledge (Cuneiform) *15. heavy prog 2,750
GUN - same (Repertoire) *68. with bonus. paper sleeve 2,420
HACKENSACK - Up the hard way (Audio Archives) *74................................2,090
HAKEN - Aquarius (Inside Out) *10....2,200
HAKEN - Visions (Inside Out) *11....1,980
HAKEN - Restoration (Inside Out) *142,640
HALO BLIND - Occupying forces (Nautical) *13 2,640
HANNIBAL - Hannibal (Talking Elephant) *70.............................................2,420
HAPSHASH AND THE COLOURED COAT - Western flier (repertoire) *69 2nd 1,870
HARRY BECKETT - Joy Unlimited (Cadillac) *75..........................................3,740
HATFIELD & THE NORTH - same (Virgin) *73 1st 2,420
HATFIELD & THE NORTH - same (Esoteric) *73 1st 2,420
HATFIELD & THE NORTH - The Rotters' Club (Esoteric) *75 2nd 2,420
THE HAT SHOES - Differenty Desperate (Ad Hoc) *92...2,420
HATS OF GENTLEMEN IT'S ADEQUATE - The Confidence Trick (Glass Castle) *22..2,620
HAWKWIND - Hall of the mountain grill (EMI) *5 bonus 1,540
HAWKWIND - Masters of the universe/Hall of the mountain grill (EMI) *2CD set 1,980
HAWKWIND - Space Ritual (EMI) *2CD...............................................................1,980
HAWKWIND -Warrior on the Edge of Time (Atomhenge) 2CD+DVD/NTS.....4,620
HAWKWIND - Roadhawks (Atomhenge) *75 2,200
HAWKWIND - Sonic Attack (Atomhenge) *81.............................................2,970
HAWKWIND -Dust of Time1969-2021 (Atomhenge) 21.2CD.............................2,640
HEAD MACHINE - Orgasm (Explore Rights)...............................................2,200
HEADSPACE - All that you fear is gone (Insideout) *16 2,200
HEATHER FINDLAY - Live White Horses (Black Sand) *20...........................3,080
HELD BY TREES - Solace: Expanded Edition (Lasgo) 2CD.........................3,300
HEMLOCK - Hemlock (Esoteric) *73.....................................................2,530
HENRY COW - Leg end (ReR) *73. 1st 2,420
HENRY COW - Unrest (ReR) *74. 2nd 2,420
HENRY COW - In praise of learning (ReR) *75. 3rd 2,420
HENRY COW - Western culture (ReR) *78 2,420
HENRY COW - Volume.6: Stockholm & Goteborg (ReR) *live 75/77 2,200
HENRY COW - Vol.7 Later And Post; Virgin (ReR)........................................2,200
HENRY COW - Volume.8 : Bremen (ReR) *CD 2,200
HENRY COW - Volume.9 : Late (ReR) *CD 2,200
HENRY COW - DVD Vevey 1976 (ReR).........................................................2,420
HENRY COW - A cow cabinet of curiosities (ReR)..............2,420
HENRY FOOL - Henry Fool (Kscope) *13....................................................2,640
HENRY FOOL - Men Singing (Kscope) *13.................................................2,750
HET - Let's Het (Ad Hoc) *84......................................................................2,420
HUGH HOPPER - Jazzloops / The Stolen Hour (ERM) *03/04.....2,860
HUGH HOPPER - Numero dVol (Moonjune) *07. S.Picard, C.Hayward 2,399
HUGH HOPPER - Volume 4 - Four by Hugh by Four (Gonzo) 2,420
HUGH HOPPER - Volume 6 - Special Friends (Gonzo).................................2,970
HUGH HOPPER - Volume 7 - Soft Boundaries (Gonzo).................................2,200
HUGH HOPPER - Volume 10 Was A Friend (Gonzo)....................................2,200
HUGH HOPPER & KRAMER - A remark Hugh made (Gonzo) *feat R.Wyatt 2,200
HUGH HOPPER BAND- Carousel (Cuneiform) *95 2,475
HUMI(HUGH HOPPER/YUMI HARA CAWKWELL) - Dune (Moonjune) *08 2,200
HUNGRY ANTS - Myrmidons (Babel) *01. jazz 2,475
I AM THE MANIC WHALE - Bumper Book of Mystery Stories (No Label) *23 3,080
IAIN JENNINGS - Breathing space (Iain Jennings) *05. ex.Mostly Autumn 3,300
IAIN JENNINGS - The house (Iain Jennings) *17 3rd 2,530
IAN ANDERSON - Taab2 special edition (EMI) *CD+DVD:NTSC 2,750
IAN ANDERSON - Homo erraticus (Kscope) *14 2,420
IAN ANDERSON - Homo erraticus: tour edition (Kscope) *CD+DVD:NTSC 2,970
IAN BODDY & ERIK WOLLO - Meridian (DiN) *17......................................3,300
IAN CARR - Sounds & sweet airs (Celestial Harmonies) *93 2,970
IAN CARR with NUCLEUS - Labyrinth/Roots (BGO) *73..2CD.......................3,520
IAN CARR WITH NUCLEUS - Solar plexus/Belladonna (BGO) *2CD 2,750
IAN MATTHEWS - Orphans and outcasts (Cherry Red) *4CD box................4,620
ICARUS- The marvel world of icarus (Wooden Hill) *72. 5 bonus 2,750
IF - same (Repertoire) *70 1st 2,750
IF - 2 (Repertoire) *paper sleeve 2,750
IF - Europe 72 (Repertoire) *live72 1,870
IF - Double diamond (Relics) 2,970
IF - Fibonaccis number: more live If (Repertoire) *live ...............................2,750
ILLUSION - Out Of The Mist (Esoteric) *77...2,620
INCREDIBLE STRING BAND - The circus is unbroken (Talking Elephant)*67&72 Live..2,970
THE INNER ROAD - Visions (Orbital) *11 1st. inst sympho 2,365
INTERGALACTIC TOURING BAND - same (Voiceprint) 3,080
IO EARTH - Aura (No Label) *20................................................................2,860
IO EARTH - Sanctuary (No Label) *23........................................................1,320
IONA - The Book of IONA (Open Sky) *17CD Box.20 31,900
IQ - The Seven House (Giant Electric Pea) *00............................................2,640
IQ - Frequency (GEP) *20 / 09 2,640
IQ - Subterranea: Live At De Boerderij October 22 2011 (No Label) *23..2CD....4,400
IT BITES - Map of the past (InsideOut) *12 2,200
IT BITES FD - Live From The Black Country (Tigermoth) *23.Blu-ray+2CD.....6,050
JACK BRUCE - More Jack than god (Sanctuary) *03 3,300
JACK LANCASTER & ROBIN LUMLEY - Marscape (Gonzo Multimedia) 2,585
JADE - Fly on strangewings (Sunbeam) *2CD 2,860
JADE WARRIOR - Last Autumns Dream (Repertoire) *72...........................2,200
JADE WARRIOR - Eclipse (Repertoire) *73 2,420
JADE WARRIOR - Way Of The sun (Eclectic) *78, 7th 2,530
JADE WARRIOR - Eclipse & Fifth Elemen The 1973 Recordings (Esoteric) 2CD 3,300
JADIS - See right through you (Jadismusic) *12 2,750
JAKKO M JAKSZYK - The Bruised Romantic Club (Panegyric) *09.2CD........2,750
JAKKO M JAKSZYK - Secret & Lies (Inside Out) *CD+DVD-NTSC 2,640
JAKSZYK, FRIPP AND COLLINS - A Scarcity of miracles *CD 1,980
JAMES MAINWARING - Mycorrhiza (Discus) *21.........................................2,530
JCM (J.Hiseman, C.Clempson, M.Clarke) - Heroes (Repertoire) *18 2,640
JEFF BECK - Truth (Epic) *4 bonus 2,365
JEFF GREEN - Jessica (Jerrecords) *11 1st 2,420
JEFF GREEN PROJECT - Elder creek (Festival) *14 2nd 2,640
JERICHO - same (Repertoire) *72 1,760
JETHRO TULL - Benefit: collectors edit (Warner) *2CD+DVD-A. 13 S.Wilson remix 3,960
JETHRO TULL - Aqualung (Chrysalis) 1,430
JETHRO TULL - A passion play (Chrysalis) *73. enhanced 1,980
JETHRO TULL - A (A La Mode) The 40th Anniversary Edition
(Parlophone) *80. 3CD+3DVD....................................8,250
JETHRO TULL - Crest of a knave (EMI) *87. 1 bonus 1,760
JETHRO TULL - 4 Albums: A/Broadsword and the beast/Under wraps
/Crest of a knave (EMI) *4CD 3,520
JOANNE HOG & COMPANY - The map project (Johogg Music) *18 2,420
JOHNDUMMERBAND- Blue (Repertoire) *72. paper sleeve 2,750
JOHN GREAVES - La Petite Bouteille de Linge *91 3,300
JOHN GREAVES - Verlaine (Harmonia Mundi) *083,850
JOHN GREAVES - Piacenza (Dark Companion) *15.....................................2,750
JOHN GREAVES - Life Size (Dark Companion) *18.....................................2,750
JOHN GREAVES - Zones (Signature) *22.....................................................3,520
JOHN GREAVES/ANNIE BARBAZZA - Earthly Powers (Dark Companion) *23 .2,750
JOHN GREAVES - Timelines (Signature) *24..................................................... 3,300
JOHN HACKETT - Moonspinner: for flute & guitar (Hacktrax) 1,980
JOHN HACKETT - Another life (Esoteric) *15. feat Steve Hackett, A.Phillips 2,420
JOHN HOLDEN - Capture light *18. 1st. sympho. feat.Joe Payne, Pete Jones.2,640
JOHN HOLDEN - Circle In Time (No Label) *21 3,080
JOHN HUGHES - Wild ocean (14th Floor) *04 3,160
JOHN LODGE - 10,000 light years ago (Esoteric) *15 2,530
JOHN LODGE - Days Of Future Passed: My Sojourn (Halesouth) *23 2CD 4,180
JOHN McLAUGHLIN - Liberation Time (Abstract Logix) *21........................2,970
McLAUGHLIN / SURMAN / BERGER / MARTIN & HOLLAND - Where Fortune Smiles (Esoteric) *71...2,530
JOHN RENBOURN - Unpentangled The 60s albums (Cherry Tree) *6CD 5,500
JOHN SURMAN - Westering home (Fledgling) *71 2,750
JOHN SURMAN - Withholding pattern (ECM) *85 3,080
JOHN SURMAN/JOHN WARREN - The brass project (ECM) *93 3,300
JOHN WETTON - An Anthology Vol.1 The Studio Recordings (Primary Purpose) 2CD2,860
JOHN WETTON - An Extraordinary Life (Spirit of Unicorn Music) *23.8CD.....14,080
JOHN WILLIAMS - The magic box (Sony) *01 2,970
JOIN THE DIN - Elephants In Autumn Rage (Bad Elephant Music) *22........2,750
JOIN THE DIN - Change! (Bad Elephant) *23..............................................3,080
JON ANDERSON - OLias of Sunhillow (music on CD) *76...............1,870
JON ANDERSON - OLias of Sunhillow (Esoteric) *CD+DVD3,080
JON ANDERSON - 3 ships (Voiceprint) 2,750
JON ANDERSON - Deseo (Talking Elephant) *942,420
JONESY - Ricochet (Cherry Red) *best 2,750
JON HISEMAN - A night in the sun (Kuckuck) *81 2,970
JON LORD - Sarabande (ear Music) *76.....................................................2,640
JON LORD - To notice such things (Avie) *10..............................................2,420
JOSH & CO LTD - Transylvania part 1 (Mostly Autumn) *16 2nd 2,420
JUDIE TZUKE - Ritimo (BGO) *83 2,365
JUDIE TZUKE - The chrysalis recordings (Cherry Red) *82-83 4,180
JUDIE TZUKE - Jude The Unsinkable (Big Moon) *233,520
JUDY DYBLE - Live at WM Jazzg (Cromerzone) *14.....................................2,200
JUDY DYBLE - Songs in Waiting (Starcrazy) *17.CD-R.................................1,540
JUDY DYBLE - Earth is sleeping (Acid Jazz) *18 2,420
JUDY DYBLE - Weavings Of A Silver Magic (Cromazone) *20.......................2,640
JULIAN ARGUELLES - Escapade (Provocateur) *99. jz 3,630
JULIANS TREATMENT - A time before this (Akarma) *70 2,750
JULIANS TREATMENT - A time before this (Repertoire) *70. 14remaster 1,870
JULIE DRISCOLL, BRIAN AUGER & THE TRINITY - Streetnoise/The mod years (SPV) *2CD 3,080
JULIE DRISCOLL, BRIAN AUGER & THE TRINITY - This wheel's on fire (Vogon).................2,750
JULIE TIPPETTS & MARTIN ARCHER - Ghosts Of Gold (Discus) *09............2,640
JULIE TIPPETTS & MARTIN ARCHER - Tales Of Finin (Discus) *11.2CD......3,520
JULIE TIPPETTS & MARTIN ARCHER - Serpentine (Discus) *12..................2,530
JULIE TIPPETTS & MARTIN ARCHER - Vestigium (Discus) *15....................2,530
JULIE TIPPETTS & MARTIN ARCHER - Illusion (Discus) *22.2CD................3,520
JULY - same (Rev-Ola) *4 bonus 2,200
JUNETABOR - ashes and diamonds (topic) *77 2nd. trad/female vo 2,585
JUNE TABOR - Aleyn (Topic) 2,860
JUNETABOR - aqaba (topic) *88. trad/female vo 2,750
JUNE TABOR - An echo of hooves (Topic) *03 2,475
JUNE TABOR & THE OYSTER BAND - Fredom and rain (Cooking Vinyl) 2,640
JUSTIN HAYWARD - Songwriter (Universal) *77. 4 bonus 2,200
KALMAN FILTER - Exo-oceans *18. Andy Tillison Diskdrive 3,080
KAPREKAR'S CONSTANT - Depth of field (Talking Elephant) *19.................2,200
KAPREKAR'S CONSTANT - The Mudder Wall (Talking Elephant) *22............2,530
KARDA ESTRA - Constellations (Cyclops) *03 1,870
KARDA ESTRA - alternate history (cyclops) *04 compilation 2,200
KARDA ESTRA - Last of the libertine (Cyclops) *07 7th 2,585
KARDA ESTRA - Mondo profondo/New world (BR) *13/11 2,420
KARL JENKINS AND MIKE RATLEDGE - Music for TV and film:Some shufflin (Voiceprint) 2,200
KARL JENKINS AND MIKE RATLEDGE - Music for TV and film:Movement (Voiceprint) 2,200
KATATONIA - Dead end kings (Peaceville) *CD+DVD:PAL 2,860
KATATONIA - Dethroned & uncrowned (Kscope) *CD+DVD 5.1 mix 2,585
KATATONIA - Sanctitude (Kscope) *15. CD+Blu-ray 2,640
KATATONIA - Sanctitude (Kscope) *CD+DVD:NTSC 3,080
KATATONIA - The fall of hearts (Peaceville) *16 2,420
KAVUS TORABI - Solar Divination (Beliebers Roast) *18 EP 1,430
KAVUS TORABI - Hip To The Jag (Beliebers Roast) *20 2,200
KAVUS TORABI & RICHARD WILEMAN - Heaven's Sun (Believers Roast) *23...2,860
KEEF HARTLEY BAND - Halfbreed (Esoteric) ............................................2,200
KEEF HARTLEY BAND - The Battle ofNorth West Six (Esoteric) *69.............2,420
KEEF HARTLEY BAND - Live (Sireena) *70 Live.....................................2,750
KEEF HARTLEY BAND - Sinnnin For You: The Albums 1969-1973 (Esoteric) *22 .7CD...10,450
KEITH EMERSON - Honky (Esoteric) 2,365
KEITH EMERSON - honky (sanctuary) *79 2,200
KEITH EMERSON - Inferno (Cinevox) *80 2,585
KEITH EMERSON - Murderock (Cinevox) *84 2,200
KEITH EMERSON - Changing states (Esoteric) *95 2,200
KEITH EMERSON - The Chiristmas album (Ear Music) 2,530
KEITH EMERSON - Variations (Spirit Of Unicorn Music) *23..20CD..........35,200
KEITH EMERSON BAND - same/Moscow (Ear)*2CD 2,200
KEITH EMERSON/GOBLIN - La chiesa (Cinevox) *89. O.S.T. 2,200
THE KEITH EMERSON TRIO - same (Emersongs) *rec 63 1,870
KEITH TIPPETT GROUP - How long this time? Live 1970 (BPJ) *22...2,970
KEITH TIPPETT'S ARK - Frames (Ogun) *78.2CD........................................4,180
KEITH TIPPETT - The Unlonely Raindancer (Discus) *80...........................2,640
KEITH TIPPETT - Mujician Solo IV (Dark Companion) *15 2,750
KEITH TIPPETT & MTTHEW BOURNE - Aeolian (Discus) *21.2CD..............3,520
KEITH TIPPETT / CLAUDIO GABBIANI / ROBERTO MUSCI - Music For Labyrinths (Dark Companion) *24 3,080
KEN HENSLEY - The bronze years 1973-1981 (Cherry Red)........................6,050
KEPLER TEN - A New Kind Of Sideways (White Star) CD 2,530
KEVIN AYERS - Alive in California (Box-O-Plenty) *04 3,300
KEVIN AYERS AND THE WHOLE WORLD - Hyde park fre concert 1970 (Reel) 2,640
KEVIN PEEK - Awakening (Voiceprint) *81. Guitarist of Sky 2,365
KHAN - Space Shanty (Esoteric) *72.......................................................2,420
KIAMA - Sign of IV-bonus CD/DVD (Tigermoth) *CD+DVD:NTSC 2,420
KING CRIMSON - Red: 50th anniv (DGM) *74 2CD+2Blu-ray 8,800
KING CRIMSON - USA: 40th anniv (DGM) *CD+DVD:NTSC. 13 mix 3,630
KING CRIMSON - Discipline: 40th anniv (DGM) *CD+DVD-A/NTSC 2,750
KING CRIMSON - Live in Guildford 1972 (DGM) *Larks Tongues lineup 2,200
KING CRIMSON - Ladies of the road (DGM) *2CD. 18reissue 2,420
KING CRIMSON - King Crinsion at 50 (DGM) *2BD+DVD+4CD. .....12,100
KINO - Radio Voltaire(Inside Out) *18......................................................2,090
KITE PARADE - Disparty (White Knight) *24 2,970
KONCHORDAT - English ghosts (Konchordat) *09 1st. sympho 2,365
KONCHORDAT - Rise to the order (Bad Elephant) *16 3rd. CD-R 2,420
LADY JUNE - Lady June s linguistic leprosy (Market Square) *74 2,420
LANDMARQ - Origins: A Landmarq anthology 1992-2014 (Synergy) *2CD 3,520
LEAF HOUND - Growers of mushroom (Repertoire) ..2,860
LEAF HOUND - Growers of mushroom/Unleashed (Repertoire) *71/07.....4,180
LEAF HOUND - Live in Japan (Ripple) *12. CD+DVD:NTSC 2,970
LEAF HOUND - Live in Japan (Repertoire) *12. CD+DVD:NTSC...................3,630
LED BIB - The people in your neighbourhood (Cuneiform) *14 2,750
LEE ABRAHAM / Origin Of The Season (Festival Music) *24 3,300
LEGEND - same (Repertoire) *69 1st 2,200
THE LENS - A word in your eye (GiantElectricPea) *02. pre-IQ tunes 2,200
THE LENS - Regeneration (GEP) *10...........................................................2,420
LIFE - Life After Death (Prog Temple) *74...................................................2,750
LINDA HOYLE - Pieces of me (Repertoire) *71. 1,760
LINDA HOYLE - The fetch (Angel Air) *15 2,640
LINDA HOYLE - Pieces of me / The fetch (Esoteric)*2CD............................2,420
LINDSAY COOPER - Rags/The golddigers (ReR) 2,420
LINDSAY COOPER - Sahara dust (Intakt) *92 2,970
LOL COXHILL - Ear of beholder (Esoteric) *2CD. 4 bonus 2,640
LONG EARTH - Once Around the Sun (GTM) *20........................................1,760
LONE STAR - same/Firing on All Six (BGO) *76/77 2in13,080
LOST CROWNS - Every night something happens (Bad Elephant) *19. 1st 2,420
LOUDEST WHISPER - The children of Lir (Sunbeam) *74. 6 bonus. 2,365
LOUDEST WHISPER - Maiden of sorrow (Kissing Spell) 2,970
LOUISE PATRICIA CRANE - Deep Blue (Pecullar Doll) *20........................2,200
LUCY GOOCH - Rain's Break (Fire) *21.EP..................................................2,530
LUNAR DUNES - From above (Dune) *07. psyche/art rock 2,730
LUSTMORD & KARIN PARK - Alter (Pelagic) *21.........................................2,860
- Where Fortune Smiles (Esoteric) *71.............................2,530
MAC MURROUGH - Merry & fine (Kissing Spell) 2,750
MADDY PRIOR & THE CARNIVAL BAND - Vaughan Williams carols songs & hymns (Park) *10 2,420
MAGENTA - Live at the Point 2007 (Tigermoth) *2CD.................................2,750
MAGENTA - Revolutions (Tigermoth) *14 2CD............................................2,750
MAGENTA - The Twenty Seven Club (Tigermoth) *18.CD+DVD/NTSC........2,420
MAGENTA AURA - The Rock Artist's Progress (Soum) *23.........................2,860
MAGGIE REILLY - Looking back, moving forward (Re Berry) 2,475
MAGICFOLK - same *07. folk/fem-vo 2,970
MAGICFOLK - Tales of power (Magicfolk) *11 2,860
MAGNA CARTA - Live at the Royal Albert Hall (Repertoire) *live 71 2,420
MAGNA CARTA - Took a long time (talking elephant) *76 2,475
MAGNA CARTA - No truth in the rumour (talking elephant) *79 2,420
MAGNA CARTA - The fields of eden (Talking Elephant) *15 2,420
MAGNUM - II: expanded eition (Sanctuary) *5 bonus 2,640
MAGNUM - Great Adventure: The Jet Years 1978-1983 (Cherry Red) 6CD...7,920
MAJOR SURGERY - The first cut (Porper) *76 jazz-rock. paper sleeve 2,970
MANDALABAND - Resurrection (Legend) *1st & 2nd.2CD .....3,080
MANDALABAND - BC-ancestors (Legend) *09 3rd 2,200
MANDY MORTON & SPRIGUNS - After the Storm (Esoteric) *21 .6CD+DVD/NTSC....12,100
MANFRED MANNS EARTH BAND - same (Cohesion) *71. 3 bonus 2,200
MANNING - A matter of life & death (Progrock) *04 2,365
MANNING - Number ten (Festival) *09 1,980
MANNING - One small step... (Festival Music) *05. thin paper sleeve 1,760
MANNING - Songs from the bilston house (Festival Music) *07. thin paper slv 1,760
MARK ATKINSON - Black&White (No Label) *20. 2CD.................................2,860
MARILLION - Script for Jester's Tears (Parlophone)...........................3,630
MARILLION - Misplaced Childhood (Parlophone).................................3,630
MARILLION - Clutching at straws (Parlophone) *4CD+Bluray, 60page book 6,930
MARILLION - The Thieving Magpie (Parlophone) *2CD............................3,080
MARILLION - Real to reel/Brief encounter (Parlophone) *2CD 1,980
MARILLION - Seasons End (Parlophone) *2013 Remix...............................3,630
MARILLION - Brave (Parlophone) *2018 Steven Wilson Remix.................3,300
MARILLION - Holidays In Eden (Deluxe Edition) (Parlophone) *91.3CD+Blu-ray..7,700
MARILLION - Afraid of sunlight: 2CD edition (Parlophone) *2CD 2,200
MARILLION - This Strange Engine (Kscope) *97 ........................................2,200
MARILLION - Popular Music (ear Music) *03.2CD.....................................3,960
MARILLION - Marbles (Kscope)*04..2CD...................................................2,640
MARILLION - Smoke (Ear Music) *CD. live 05 ltd5000 3,520
MARILLION - Somewhere else (Madfish) *07 1,870
MARILLION - Radiation 2013 (Madfish) *2CD 1,870
MARILLION - Radiation 2103 (Kscope) *2CD 2,530
MARILLION - Happiness is cologne (ear Music) *2CD. 08 Live 4,180
MARILLION - Live from Cadogan hall (Racket) *2CD live10 2,475
MARILLION - A sunday night above the rain (Racket) *2CD. live13......1,980
MARILLION - Sounds That Can't Be Made (ear Music) *13.2CD.............4,180
MARILLION - Fear (Ear Music) *16. 2,420
MARILLION - Live in Chile (Raccket) *live 16. 2CD 3,080
MARILLION - Marbles in the park (Racket) *17 *2CD live..........................2,750
MARILLION - Living in fear (E.A.R Music) *17. ltd EP, 4track 1,980
MARILLION - Live in glasgow (Ear Music) *18 *89 live...............................2,970
MARILLION - Unplugged at the walls (Ear Music) *18 2CD. 98 live 3,630
MARILLION - Mirrors (Ear Music) *18 2CD. 05 live 3,630
MARILLION - Tumbling down the years (Ear Music) *18 2CD. 09 live 3,630
MARILLION - All one tonight (Ear Music) *2CD 3,300
MARILLION - The singles 82-88 (Parlophone) *3CD best 3,300
MARILLION - With friend from orchestra (Ear Music) *19.......................3,300
MARILLION - With Friends At St David's (ear Musi) *21..2CD....................4,180
MARILLION - An Hour Before It's (ear Music) *22 CD+DVD/NTSC.............4,180
MARILLION - An Hour Before It's Dark Live In Port Zelande 2023 4,400
MARILLION - Welcome to the Party (X-Ray) 22 3,300
MARILLION - Transmission Impossible (Eat to the Beat) 98 Live 3CD 3,850
MARK FRY Dreaming with alice (Sunbeam) *72.....2.750
MARTIN ARCHER - Antheropology Band (Discus) *22..2CD........................3,520
MARTIN BARRE - Stage Left (Purple Pyramid) *03 2,860
MARTIN BARRE - 50 Years of Jethro Tull (SFM) *20...................................3,630
MARY JANE - Eve (TalkingElephant) 1,980
MARY JANE - Brights daughter (Talking Elephant) *96-02. folk rock 2,365
MASAYO ASAHARA - Saint Agnes Fountain (Audiolaceration) *05................2,530
MASSACRE - Killing Time (ReR) *81....2,420
MASSACRE - Love me tender (Tzadik) *rec 99/08 2,365
MATCHING MOLE - same (Esoteric) *72 2CD2,970
MATCHING MOLE - Little Red Record (Esoteric) *72 2CD2,970
MATTHEW FISHER - same/Strange days (BGO) *79/81 2,750
MAY BLITZ - same/the 2nd of May (BGO) *2 in 1 2,420
MELLOW CANDLE - Swadding Songs (Esoteric) *72....................................2,530
MESON - The Tao Of Cwmdon Kindrive (Discus) *21..................................2,530
MESON - Obscurer Subjectivity (Discus) *22..............................................2,860
MICHAEL GARRICK SEXTET - Prelude to heart is a lotus (Gearbox) 2,970
MICHAEL GARRICK SEXTET - A New Serious Music (Rhythm And Blues) *Rec 67&69..2,860
MICHAEL GIBBS with THE GARY BURTON QUARTET - Festival 69 (Turtle) *3CD.3,300
THE MICHAEL GILES MAD BAND - The adventures of (MadBand) *09. free jazz 2,860
MICHAEL MOORCODK & THE DEEP FIX - The new worlds fair (Esoteric) *75 2,420
MIGHTY BABY - same (Big Beat) *69 2,750
MIKE & THE MECHANICS - Out of the blue (BMG)...................................... 3,080
MIKE OLDFIELD - Tubular bells (Virgin) 1,760
MIKE OLDFIELD - Tubular bells (Virgin) 2,200
MIKE OLDFIELD - Ommadawn (Universal).................................................1,760
MIKE OLDFIELD - Incantations (2011 remastered) (Mercury)...................1,870
MIKE OLDFIELD - QE2 (Universal)............................................................2,420
MIKE OLDFIELD - QE2: Deluxe Edition (Universal) *80.2CD 3,960
MIKE OLDFIELD - Discovery: Deluxe edit (Mercury) *2CD+DVD 3,850
MIKE OLDFIELD - Heavens open (Virgin) *91 1,650
MIKE OLDFIELD - Carnegie Hall 1993 (Gold Fish)......................................2,640
MIKE OLDFIELD - Music of the spheres (Universal) *08 1,650
MIKE OLDFIELD - Tres lunas (WEA) *02. bonus game CD 3,465
MIKE OLDFIELD - Tubular bells 2003 (Warner) *CCCD+DVD 3,080
MIKE OLDFIELD - Light + Shade (Mercury) *05.2CD................................2,750
MIKE OLDFIELD - Moonlight shadow: the collection (Universal) *compi 1,980
MIKE OLDFIELD - The collection (Universal) *1CD 1,650
MIKE OLDFIELD - same (Icon) *singles. Moonlight shadow etc 1,540
MIKE OLDFIELD - Tubular beats (Edel) *techno/ambient remixes 1,650
MIKE OLDFIELD - Original album series (Warner) *5CD box......................3,850
MIKE OLDFIELD - Two sides: the very best of (Universal) *2CD 1,650
MIKE OLDFIELD - Transmission Impossible (Eat to the Beat) 70s-90s Live 3CD 3,850
MIKE RUTHERFORD - Small Creep's Day (Music on CD) *80.....................2,750
MIKE WESTBROOK - Metropolis (BGO) *71 2,420
MIKE WESTBROOK - Mama chicago (Jazz Print) *2CD. 79 2,970
MILLER ANDERSON - Bright City (Esoteric) *71..........................................2,640
MONUMENT- the first monument (audio archives) *71. psych 2,970
MOODY BLUES - Days of future passed (UMC) *67....................................1,870
MOODY BLUES - Live at the isle of wight Festival (Ear Music)......................2,200
MOODY BLUES - In search of the lost chord (Decca) *68 2nd. 9 bonus 2,200
MOODY BLUES - On the threshold of a dream (Decca) *69 3rd. 9 bonus 1,870
MOODY BLUES - To our childrens... (Decca) *69 4th. 1,650
MOODY BLUES - To our childrens...deluxe (Decca) *2SACD hybrid 3,630
MOODY BLUES - To our childrens...deluxe (Decca) *4CD+BD 15,950
MOODY BLUES - A question of balance (Universal) *70 5th. 6 bonus 1,650
MOODY BLUES - Seventh sojourn (Decca) *72 7th. 4 bonus 1,870
MOODY BLUES - Live at Montreux 1991 (ear Music) *CD+DVD/PAL.........3,520
MOODY BLUES - 5 classic albums (Universal) *5CD. On the threshold to Seveth Sojourn 3,630
MOODY BLUES - The Ultimate Collection (Universal).................................2,420
MOODY BLUES - Collected (Music on CD)*3CD................................3,630
MOODY BLUES - Transmissions 1966-1968 (Audio Vaults)........................2,750
MOON HALO - Chroma (Moonhalomusic) *19...........................................2,640
MOON HALO - Together Again (Moon Halo Music) *22.............................2,750
MOONSHOT - Worlds Of Yesterday (One Small Step) *20 ...........................2,970
M-OPUS - Origins (Rude Chord Recordings) *19 Ireland ........................2,970
M-OPUS - At The Mercy Of Manannan (Rude Chord) *22...........................2,420
MORNING GLORY - same (Fledgling) *73. J.Surman, J.Marshall, T.Rypdal..2,750
MOSS FREED / MICROMOTIVES - Union Division (Discus) *22..2CD..........3,520
MOSTLY AUTUMN - Dressed in voices (Mostly Autumn) *14 2,640
MOSTLY AUTUMN - Studio 2 (Mostly Autumn) *23......................................2,860
MOTHER BLACK CAP - The english way (Cyclops) *09 1st. sympho 2,200
MOTHERTONGUE - Unsongs (Bad Elephant) *CD-R. 16 2,420
MUJICIAN - 10 10 10 (Cuneiform) *21.......................................................3,080
MULTI STORY - Crimson stone (Festival) *16 2,200
MUMPBEAK - same (RareNoise) *13 2,860
MUMPBEAK - Tooth (RareNoise) *17 2,420
THE MUTE GODS - Do nothing till ypu hear from me (Inside Out) *16 ......2,200
MYSTERIES OF THE REVOLUTION - Longing For The Dawn (Blue Serene Focus) *22.....3,080
MY TRICKY SPIRIT - same (Bad Elephant) *16. CD-R 2,750
MZYLKYPOP - Kiedy Wilki Zawyia? (Discus) *18........................................2,530
NAKED TRUTH - Avian thung (RareNoise) *15. avant jazz 2,396
NARNIA - Aslan Is Not ATame Lion (Hiatus) *74
NATIONAL HEALTH - same (Esoteric) *78 2,420
NATIONAL HEALTH - Of Quueues and Cures (Esoteric) *78 2,420
NATURAL GAS - same (Gonzo) *76. Joey Molland, Mark Clarke 2,640
NEIL ARDLEY - Kaleidoscope of rainbows (Dusk Fire) *76 2,420
NEIL INES - Neals heavy concept album (Esoteric) *84 2,420
NETWORK - The bible says (Wenlock) 2,585
NETWORK - Precisely the opposite of what... (Wenlock) *jazz-rock 2,750
NETWORK - L.N.C (Wenlock) 1,870
NETWORK - The very best of network (Wenlock) *best 1,320
NEUTRONS - Black Hole Star / Tales from The Blue Cocoons (BGO) *74/75...2,970
NEWS FROM BABEL - sirens and..../work Resumed.../ Letters.. (ReR) *3CD...4,070
NICE - five bridges (Virgin CASCDR 1014) *remaster. 70.4th. 3 bonus 2,200
NICE - Autumn 67-spring 68 (Virgin) *72 compilation 2,750
NICK BEGGS - Words Fail Me (Esoteric Antenna) *19.................................4,180
NICK FLETCHER - Quadrivium (No Label) *23 2,970
NICK MAGNUS - Inhaling Green (Magick Nuns) *99/20..........................3,080
NICK MAGNUS - Children Of Another God (Magick Nuns) *10...............2,750
NICK MAGNUS - Catharsis (Magick Nuns) *19.CD+DVD.............................3,080
NICK MAGNUS A Strange Inheritance (Magick Nuns) *24 3,630
NICK MASON - Fictitious Sports (Parlophone) *813,520
NICK MASON'S SAUCERFUL OF SECRETS - Live At Roundhouse (Sony) *20. 2CD+DVD....4,950
NICK MASON'S SAUCERFUL OF SECRETS - Live At The Roundhouse (Sony) *20. Blu-ray..4,290
NIK TURNER - Space Fusion Odyssey (Purple Pyramid) *15.......................2,640
NIK TURNER - Life in space (Cleopatra) *17 ...2,640
NIRVANA - The Story Of Simon Simopath (Universal) *67.1st....................2,200
NIRVANA - Black flower (Esoteric) *69. 3rd. 5bonus 2,200
NIRVANA - Local Anaesthetic (Esoteric) *71...............................................2,750
NODE - Singularity (DiN) *94....................................................................3,300
NODENS ICTUS - Spacelines (Kscope) *00.....2,750
NODENS ICTUS - The cozmic key (Snapper Music) *17..............................2,200
NO MAN - Flowermouth (Kscope) *94. Steven Wilson 1,760
NO MAN - Wild opera (Kscope) *2CD. 96 / 97 mini 2,200
NORTH ATLANTIC OSCILLATION - Grind Show (Kscope) *19......................2,420
NORTH SEA RADIO ORCHESTRA - I a moon *11 3rd...................................2,200
NORTH SEA RADIO ORCHESTRA - Dronne (The Household Mark) *16 2,750
NORTH SEA RADIO ORCHESTRA - Folly Bololey (Dark Companion) *20 2,750
N.S.U. - Turn on, or turn me down (Morgan) *69 2,970
NUCLEUS - Elastic rock (Reperotoire) *paper sleeve 2,750
NUCLEUS - Elastic rock/We'll Talk About It Later (BGO) *2CD....3.080
NUCLEUS - Under The Sun/Snakehips Etcetera (BGO) *74/75.........3,520
NUCLEUS - Alleycat/Direct Hits (BGO) *75/76........................................3,520
OBERON - A midsummer s night dream (audio archives) *71. folk 2,970
OFFICER! - Earlier music (Klanggalerie) *83 & 85......................................3,300
OFFICER! - Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes (Klanngalerie) *88............................2,970
OKTOPUS - Worlds apart (Okntopus) *16. technical guitar trio 2,640
OLIVER WAKEMAN - mother s ruin (progrock) *05 2,365
OLIVER WAKEMAN - Anam Cara (Elflock) *24....2,420
OLIVER WAKEMAN BAND - Coming to town: live in Katowice (MetalMind) 1,980
OLLIE HALSALL - Lovers Leaping (Think Like A Key) *21 *Rec79.............2,420
OPTIMYSTIK VISIONARIES - Return (No Label) *21....................................2,640
ORCHESTRA OF THE UPPER ATMOSPHERE - same (Discus) *12.2CD.........3,520
ORCHESTRA OF THE UPPER ATMOSPHERE - 02 (Discus) *14.2CD.............3,520
ORCHESTRA OF THE UPPER ATMOSPHERE - 05 (Discus) *20....................2,640
ORCHESTRA OF THE UPPER ATMOSPHERE - 06 (Discus) *22?................2,640
OWL SERVICE - His pride. no spear. no friend (Horn) *15. folk 2,970
OZRIC TENTACLES - Tantric Obstacles (Madfish) *85.................................2,200
OZRIC TENTACLES - Live Ethereal Cereal (Kscope) *86..............................2,200
OZRIC TENTACLES - Strangeitude (Kscope) *91 3rd...................................2,750
OZRIC TENTACLES - Waterfall Cities (Madfish) *99.....................................1,870
OZRIC TENTACLES - Pyramidion (Snapper) *01 1,870
OZRIC TENTACLES - At the Pongmasters Ball (Madfish) *CD+DVD:NTSC 2,200
OZRIC TENTACLES - Space For The Earth (Kscope) *20 2,640
PAGAN HARVEST - Earth's Secret Engine (Bad Elephant) *23......................3,300
PALLAS - Eye In The Night (Esoteric) *6CD+BD....14,300
PALLAS - The Messenger (Pallas) *23 3,520
PANAMA LIMITED - Jug band (Esoteric) *69 2,420
PANIC ROOM - In carnate (Firefly) *14 4th 2,750
PARADE - The fabric *10 1st 2,200
THE PARADOX TWIN - Silence From Signals (White Star) *21.......................2,860
PARALLEL OR NINETY DEGREES - Jitters (Omegatunez) *09. sympho 2,365
PARTISANS - Sourpuss (Babel) *00 1st. jazz-rock 2,475
PARTISANS - max (babel) *05. jazz-rock 2,475
PATRICK MORAZ - Human interface (Time Wave) *06 2,970
PATRICK MORAZ / SYRINX - Coexistence (Time Wave) 2,420
PATTO - Patto (Esoteric) *70...................................................................2,200
PAUL CUSICK - Focal point (Qrock) 2,475
PAUL ROLAND&MICK CROSSEY - Through The Spectral Gate (Unifaun) *22........2,970
PENDRAGON - The Jewel (Toff) *852,750
PENDRAGON - The Masquerade Overture (Toff) *96...2,750
PENDRAGON - Not of this world (Madfish) *01 2,420
PENDRAGON - Passion (Madfish) *11 2,420
PENDRAGON - Passion (Madfish) *11 CD+DVD 2,970
PENDRAGON - 1984-96 overture (Outer Music) *compilation 2,640
PENDRAGON - Out of Order Comes Chaos (Metal Mind) *13.2CD....3,520
PENDRAGON - Masquerade 20 (Metal Mind) *2CD live 16 2,750
PENDRAGON - Introducing (Snapper) *2CD best 1,650
PENDRAGON - North Star (Toff) *23..........................................................3,080
PENTANGLE - Through The Ages:1984-1995 (Cherry Tree) 6CD.............8,520
PETER BANKS - The self-contained trilogy (PB Musical Estate) *3CD. 3,520
PETER BANKS - Be well, be safe, be lucky... (PB Musical Estate) *2CD. 2,750
PETER BARDENS - The answer (Breathless) *70 1st 2,420
PETER BARDENS - same (Esoteric) *71 1,419
PETER BARDENS - Long Ago, Far Away: The Recordings 1969-1970 (Esoteric) *22.2CD..2,750
PETE BARDENS - The art of levitation (Sanctuary) 1,760
PETE BARDENS - Big sky (Talking elephant) 2,200
PETE BROWN & PIBLOKTO! - The art school dance goes..(Repertoire)*70 2,420
PETE BROWN & PIBLOKTO! - The art school dance.. (Elemental Music) *paper slv 2,640
PETE HICKS & NICK MAGNUS - Flat pack(Beach Hut) *08 2,365
PETER BLEGVAD - Hangmans hill (ReR) *with J.Greaves, C.Cutler 2,200
PETER GABRIEL - New blood: deluxe edition (Peter Gabriel Ltd) *2CD 11 1,980
PETER GEE - A vision of angels (Toff) *97 2nd. 2,420
PETER GEE - Heart of David (No Label) *002,530
PETER GEE - The Spiritual World (Roberts-Lutley) *08 3rd. 2,420
PETER GEE - The Life of God in the Soul of Man (Roberts-Lutley) *09........2,420
PETER GEE - East of Eden (No Label) *112,530
PETER GEE - Songs From The Heart (Roberts-Lutley) *14 2,530
PETER GEE - Pilgrim (Roberts-Lutley) *22 2,530
PETER GEE - Paris (White Knight) *182,530
PETER GEE - The Bible (White Knight) *132,420
PETER HAMMILL - Fool's Mate (Virgin) *71...............................................3,080
PETER HAMMILL - Chameleon in the Shade of the Night (EMI) *73...........1,980
PETER HAMMILL - Over (Virgin) *77 1,540
PETER HAMMILL - The Love Songs (Virgin) *84 2,640
PETER HAMMILL - In the passions kirecht (Voiceprint) *live 92 2,970
PETER HAMMILL - The Noise (Rockport) *93....ßs
PETER HAMMILL - Live in Berlin 1992 (Voiceprint) *CD+DVD 3,850
PHENOMENA - II: Dream runner (Exphone Rights) *87. 2nd.......................2,420
PHENOMENA - III: Innervision (Exphone Rights) *92............................2,420
PIANO CIRCUS featuring BILL BRUFORD - Skin and wire (Summerfold) *09..2,585
PINEAPPLE THIEF - One Three Seven (Kscope) *01....1,980
PINEAPPLE THIEF - Introducing the Pineapple Thief (Snapper) *2CD best 1,980
PINEAPPLE THIEF - Give It Back (Kscope) *22....2,640
PINEAPPLE THIEF - Variations on a Deram (Kscope) *23............................2,640
PINEAPPLE THIEF - It Leads To This (Kscope) *24..............................3,080
PINK FAIRIES - Neverneverland (Polydor) *71 1st...................................... 1,760
PINK FAIRIES - What a bunch of sweeties (Polydor) *72 2nd 2,200
PINK FAIRIES - The Polydor Years (Floating World) *71-73. 3CD.....................2,750
PINK FAIRIES - Mandies and mescaline round at uncle Harrys (Gonzo) *BBC 2,200
PINK FLOYD - On the Air 1969..2CD......3,520
PINK FLOYD - Live at the Filmore Wset..70..2CD.....3,520
PINK FLOYD - Montreux 1970 Live.2CD...3,520
PINK FLOYD - Altes Casino Montreux 1970..2CD.....3,300
PINK FLOYD - Atomic Saucers Germany Broadcast 1970...2,860
PINK FLOYD - The early years 1971: Reverber/ation (PF) *CD+DVD:NTSC+Blu-ray 7,480
PIP PYLE - 7 year itch (Voiceprint) *98 2,200
PYLE, LUNG, GREAVES - The Pig Part (Voiceprint) *01....2,640
POLAR BEAR - same (Tin Angel) *08. jazz-rock 2,970
POLAR BEAR - Peepers (Leaf) *f10 4th. avant-jazz 2,750
POLAR BEAR - Held on the tips of fingers (Rub) *05 2,750
POLAR BEAR WITH JYAGER - Common ground (Leaf) *10 1,870
PORCUPINE TREE - On The Sunday of Life (Kscope) *91 2,200
PORCUPINE TREE - Up the downstair (Kscope) *93 1,870
PORCUPINE TREE - The sky moves sideways (Kscope) *94 .2CD.................2,420
PORCUPINE TREE - Signify (Kscope) *96. paper sleeve 2,200
PORCUPINE TREE - Coma divine (Snapper) *2CD. live 97 2,090
PROCUPINE TREE - Stars die/The delerium years 1991-1997 (Kscope) *2CD 2,200
PORCUPINE TREE - Stupid dream (Kscope) *99. 05 remix. paper sleeve 2,200
PORCUPINE TREE - Stupid dream (Kscope) *99. 05 remix. 2,200
PORCUPINE TREE - Lightbulb sun (Kscope) *00 paper sleeve.....................2,200
PORCUPINE TREE - Lightbulb sun (Kscope) *00.........................................2,200
PORCUPINE TREE - Recordings (Kscope) *01............................................2,640
PORCUPINE TREE - Recordings (Kscope) *01. outtakes from Stupid dream etc 2,200
PORCUPINE TREE - In Absentia (Kscope) *02............................................2,200
PORCUPINE TREE - Deadwing (Kscope) *05 2,420
PORCUPINE TREE - Arriving Somewhere... (Transmission) *05Live..Blu-ray+2CD..3,630
PORCUPINE TREE - Fear of a Blank Planet (Kscope) *08............................2,200
PORCUPINE TREE - The Incident (Kscope) *09 2,420
PORCUPINE TREE - Nil recurring (Kscope) *10..........................................1,980
PORCUPINE TREE - Closure/Continuation (Music for Nations) *22.............2,640
PROCOL HARUM - Shine on brightly (Esoteric)...........................................2,200
PROCOL HARUM - Shine on brightly (Esoteric) *68 3CD.............................4,070
PROCOL HARUM - A Salty Dog (Esoteric) *2CD. 69...................................3,520
PROCOL HARUM - Home (Repertoire) *70 4th 2,420
PROCOL HARUM - Home (Salvo) *70 4th. paper sleeve 1,870
PROCOL HARUM - Home: 2CD edition (Esoteric) *2CD. 70 2,640
PROCOL HARUM - In Concert with Edmonton Symphony Orchestra (Esoteric) *72...2,640
PROCOL HARUM - Broken barricades (Esoteric) 3CD................................4,070
PROCOL HARUM - Procols ninth (Repertoire) *75 2,750
PROCOL HARUM - Missing Persons (Alive Forever) (Esoteric Antenna) *21.EP...1,650
PSYCHOYOGI - Digital Vagrancy (Bad Elephant Music) *21.........................2,860
PURE REASON REVOLUTION - Eupnea (Inside Out) *20.............................2,860
PURE REASON REVOLUTION - Eupnea (Inside Out) *20 limited digipack..3,300
QUATERMASS - same (Repertoire) *70 2,585
QUATERMASS - same (Esoteric) *CD+DVD/NTSC 2,640
QUICKSAND - Home is where I belong (Si-Wan) *74 2,805
RA - Wake (Cyclops) *07 1st. sympho 1,870
RAEL JONES - Mandrake (BR) *13 1st 2,420
RAIN - Singularity (GEP) *20 1st. 2,640
RAINBOW - Rising (Polydor) *76.2CD........................................................3,850
RANDOM HOLD - View with suspicion (Voiceprint) *09 compi+new song 2,860
RARE BIRD - As your mind flies by (Esoteric) *70. 3 bonus 2,200
RARE BIRD - Epic forest (Cherry Red) *72 3rd 2,200
RARE BIRD - Beautiful Scarlet The Recordings 1969-1975 (Esoteric) *21..7,920
RASHOMON - The ruined map: film music vol.1 (Mirrors) *07. chamber 2,585
RASHOMON - The finishing line: film music vol.2 (Hinterzimmer) *09 2,970
RAY RUSSELL - Rites and rituals (4Worlds Media) *99 2,585
RAY RUSSELL SEXTET feat. HARRY BECKETT - Forget To Remember (Jazz In Britain).Rec 70.2,970
REDBAZAR - Tales from the Bookcase (No Label) *16............................2,420
REDBAZAR - Connections (No Label) *20..............................................2,530
RED CHAIR FADEAWAY - Mesmerised (English Garden) *93 2nd 2,640
RED DIRT - II (Morgan) *'69-'71. heavy blues rock 2,530
REGAL WORM - The Hiderous Goblink (Quatermass) *21..........................2,530
RENAISSANCE - Live Fillmore West And Other Adventures (Repertoire) *22.4CD+DVD...11,000
RENAISSANCE - same (Repertoire) *69 1st. 2 bonus 1,760
RENAISSANCE - Prologue (Eastworld) 2,200
RENAISSANCE - Novella (Warner) *77 1,760
RENAISSANCE - Novella (Repertoire) *77 US sleeve 1,964
RENAISSANCE - Azure dor (Repertoire) *paper sleeve 2,200
REANISSANCE - De Lane Lea studios 1973 (Purple Pyramid) *BBC 73 2,640
RENAISSANCE - 50th Anniversary Ashes Are Burning
An Anthology Live In Concert (Esoteric Antenna) *19 Live .2CD+DVD+Blu-ray......6,380
RENAISSANCE ILLUSION - Through The Fire (Angel Air).............................2,200
RENAISSANT - south of winter (terry sullivan) *04 2,475
RETREAT FROM MOSCOW - Dreams, Myths And Machines (Gravity Dream Music) *23...3,080
RETURNED TO THE EARTH - Stalagmite Steeple (Giant Electric Pea) *24 3,300
RICHARD FAIRHURST - the hungry ants (babel) *95. with iain ballamy 2,475
RICHARD FAIRHURST/THE HUNGRY ANTS - Formic (Babel) *jazz/fusion 2,750
RICHARD HARVEY - Plague and the moon flower (Altus) 2,970
RICHARD HARVEY - Kyrie (Altus) *16.........................................................2,860
RICHARD HARVEY - Scenarios (Altus) *18..................................................3,630
RICHARD HARVEY - Evensong (Altus) *19.................................................2,750
RICHARD WILEMAN - Veil (Beleivers Roast) 2,640
RICHARD WILEMAN - Cabal of a thousand souls (No Image) *19...............1,760
RICHARD WILEMAN - Arcana (Believer's Roast) *20..................................2,420
RICHARD WILEMAN - The Forked Road (Believer's Roast) *24...................2,970
RICK WAKEMAN - Journey to the centre of the earth: deluxe (A&M) *CD+DVDA 3,520
RICK WAKEMAN - The myths & legends of King Arthur (A&M) *75 1,210
RICK WAKEMAN - The myths & legends of King Arthur (UMG) *CD+DVDA 3,630
RICK WAKEMAN - 5 Classic albums (Universal) *5CD box 3,850
RICK WAKEMAN - Live at the BBC (Hux) *live 76/OGWT 3,300
RICK WAKEMAN - Live on Air (RRAW) *live 76 2,750
RICK WAKEMAN - Rhapsodies (Universal) *79 2,970
RICK WAKEMAN - Rock n roll prophet plus (President) *79 2,365
RICK WAKEMAN - San Francisco Winterland Ballroom 1975 (RRAW) 2,200
RICKWAKEMAN - Journey to the centre of the earth plus (Voiceprint) 2,750
RICK WAKEMAN - Softsword (Esoteric) *91 2,420
RICK WAKEMAN - White rock II (Musea) *99 2,442
RICKWAKEMAN - Return to the centre of the earth *99 (Music Fusion) 3,080
RICK WAKEMAN - At Lincoln cathedral (Heliopause) *05. 2CD church organ live 2,365
RICK WAKEMAN - Voyage (A&M) *2CD best 70~79 4,855
RICK WAKEMAN - Fields of green (Esoteric) *96 2,420
RICK WAKEMAN - Classic tracks (Store for Music) *self remakes 2,200
RICK WAKEMAN - The Oscar concert (Voiceprint) *live 00 1,650
RICK WAKEMAN - The missing half (Voiceprint) 2,750
RICK WAKEMAN - Bootleg box vol.2 (FloatingWorld) *5CD. official boot 3,960
RICK WAKEMAN - Access all areas (Edsel) *CD+DVD:PAL. live 90 2,750
RICKWAKEMAN - The Red Planet (Madfish) *20.........................................2,420
RICKWAKEMAN - The Red Planet (Madfish) *20.*CD+DVD:PAL.................2,860
RICKWAKEMAN - A Gallery of the Imagination (Madfish) CD+DVD............3,300
RICKWAKEMAN - Live at the London Palladium 2023 (Esoteric) 4CD............6,380
RICK WAKEMAN & DAVE COUSINS - Hummingbird (Witchwood) *02 3,300
RICK WAKEMAN & DAVE COUSINS - Live (Witchwood) *live 88 3,300
RICK WAKEMAN & MARIO FASCIANO - Stella blanca (MP) *99 2,420
ROBERT FRIPP - Let The Power Fall (DGM) *81......2,750
ROBERT WEBB - Liquorish Allsorts (Seacrest Oy) *14 1.320
ROBERT WYATT - Old rottenhat (Domino) *86 2,640
ROBERT WYATT/ATZMON/STEPHEN - For the ghosts within (Domino) *10 2,365
ROBIN WILLIAMSON - Journeys edge (Fledgling) *10 bonus. digipack 2,475
ROCKING HORSE MUSICAL CLUB - Circus Of Wire Dolls (Plane Groovy) *22.2CD.....3,520
ROCK WORKSHOP - same (Angel Air) *70 1st. 6 bonus 1,980
ROGER WATERS - Amused to death:deluxe edit (Sony) *CD+Blu-rayA:5.1 3,300
THE ROOM - Caught by the machine (White Star) *19................................2,750
ROSALIE CUNNINGHAM - Rosalie Cunningham (Esoteric Anntena) *19......2,420
ROSALIE CUNNINGHAM - TWo Piece Puzzle (Esoteric Anntena) *222,640
ROSALIE CUNNINGHAM - To Shoot Another Day (Esoteric Anntena) *24 2,970
ROUGH RAMBLERS - Stiff upper lip (DaisyDogProductions) *09. fusion 2,200
THE ROYAL PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA - Plays the prog rock classics (Purple Pyramid) *15 2,860
THE RUBE GOLDBERG MACHINE - Fragile times (Bad Elelphant) *16 2,420
RUBY DAWN - Beyond Tomorrow (Progressive Gears) *23.........................3,300
THE SAFETY FIRE - Mouth of swords (InsideOut) *13. metal/prog 2,365
THE SALLYANGIE - Children of the sun (Esoteric) *2CD. 69 2,200
SALLY NATASHA OLDFIELD - Natasha (Talking Elephant) *90......................2,750
SAM GOPAL - Escalator (Morgan Music) *69.............................................3,080
SANGUINE HUM - What we ask is where we begin (Esoteric) *2CD. 06 2,750
SANGUINE HUM - The weight of the world (Esoteric) *DVD:NTSC. 13 2nd 2,750
SANGUINE HUM - Live in America *DVD:NTSC+CD 3,080
SANGUINE HUM - Now we have light:special edit (Esoteric) *2CD+DVD:NTSC 4,400
SANGUINE HUM - Now we have light (Esoteric) *15. 2CD 2,860
SCHNAUSER - Irritant (Bad Elephant) *17. 6th. 2,200
THE SCIENCE GROUP - Spoors (ReR) *03. Chris Cutler, Bob Drake 2,420
SECOND HAND - Death Maybe Your Santa Claus (Esoteric) *71........................2,640
SECRET GREEN - To wake the king (Holyground) *Francis Lickerish ex-Enid 2,860
SHAVE THE MONKEY - Dragonfly (Talking Elephant)*94. trad/folk 1,870
SHAVE THE MONKEY - Mad arthur (Talking Elephant) *96. trad/folk 1,870
SHAWN BAXTER - Jazz metal (Shawn Baxter) *93. technical guitar 2,860
SHIVA SHAKTI - same (Mystic) 2,750
SHIVA S QUINTESSENCE - cosmic surfer (eclectic) *2cd. 05 2,585
SHOOT - On the frontier (Angel Air) *73 2,640
SIMON MCKECHNIE - Retro (Bad Elephant) *21. CD-R......................................2,530
SIMON TURNER vs KING OF LUXEMBOURG - Sex appeal (CherryRed) *compi 1,430
SKELETON CREW - Learn to talk/The country of blinds (ReR) *84&86 *2CD.......3,520
SKID ROW - Skid/ 34 hours (BGO) *2CD. 6 bonus 2,750
SKY - same (Sanctuary) *79 1st 2,420
SKY - same: expanded 2 disc edt (Esoteric) *CD+DVD:NTSC. 79 1st+BBC 2,530
SKY - 2 (Sanctuary) *80 2nd 2,420
SKY - Sky 2 (Esoeric) *80. CD+DVD:NTSC 2,640
SKY - Sky 4 (Esoteric) *CD+DVD:NTSC 2,640
SKY - Five live (Esoteric) *2CD. 83 2,640
SKY - The great ballon race (Esoteric) *85 5th 2,420
SKY - Carillon - the single collection 1979-1987 (Esoteric) *2CD best 2,640
SLAPP HAPPY - Acnalbasac Noom (ReR) *73.......2,420
SLAPP HAPPY / HENRY COW - Desperate Straights (ReR) *75.......2,860
SOFT MACHINE - same (Universal) *68 1st 1,650
SOFT MACHINE - Volumes One And Two (Big Beat) *68 & 69. 2,750
SOFT MACHINE - Paris 1970 (London Calling) *21 2CD 3,520
SOFT MACHINE - Facelift France & Holland (Cuneiform) 5,720
SOFT MACHINE - Original album classics (Sony) *5CD...............................3,850
SOFT MACHINE - 6 (Rewind) 1,848
SOFT MACHINE - Seven (Music on CD) 1,760
SOFT MACHINE - The Harvest Albums 1975-1978 (Esoteric) 3CD...............4,070
SOFT MACHINE - Softs (Esoteric) *76....2,750
SOFT MACHINE - Land Of Cockayne (Esoteric) *81....2,620
SOFTMACHINE- same (Neon) *67. same as Jet Propelled... 1,430
SOFT MACHINE - Middle earth masters (Cuneiform) *live 67/68 2,750
SOFT MACHINE - Man in a deaf corner (Floating World) *2CD. 63-70 2,860
SOFT MACHINE - Kings of canterbury (Recall) *2CD compi 1,650
SPIROGYRA - Bells, boots and shambles (Esoteric) *73 3rd 2,420
SPIROGYRA - The Future Won't Be Long (Esoteric) 71-73 3CD Box...........5,030
SQUACKETT - A life within a day: deluxe edition (Esoteric) *CD+DVDA 5.1 2,750
STACKRIDGE - Mr. Mick (Angel Air) *2CD. unreleased original+LP ver. 76 2,750
STACK WADDY - The complete works 1970-72 (Cherry Red) *3CD 3,520
STEAMHAMMER - same (Bellaphon 288 07 095) *69 1st 1,980
STEAMHAMMER - same (Bellaphon 287 07 023) 1,980
STEAMHAMMER - Junior s wailing (Repertoire) *compilation 2,365
STEVE HACKETT - Voyage of the acolyte (EMI).......................................2,090
STEVE HACKETT - Please dont touch (EMI) *78 2nd 1,650
STEVE HACKETT - Spectral Mornings (Virgin) 2,420
STEVE HACKETT - Defector: deluxe edit (Univ) *2CD+DVD:5.1. 3,300
STEVE HACKETT - Defector (EMI) *80 4th 1,430
STEVE HACKETT - Cured (EMI) *81. with slipcase 2,420
STEVE HACKETT - Highly strung (EMI) *82. 3 bonus. slipcase 2,420
STEVE HACKETT - 5 Classic Albums (Universal) *5CD.................................3,960
STEVE HACKETT - Metamorpheus (Edifying) *05 2,420
STEVE HACKETT - Tribute (Camino) *08. classic guitar solo 3,300
STEVE HACKETT - Tribute (Edel) *08. classic guitar 2,420
STEVE HACKETT - Genesis revisited II (InsideOut) *2CD. 12 2,970
STEVE HACKETT - Genesis revisited II: 4LP+2CD (InsideOut) *12 7,150
STEVE HACKETT - Wolflight: special edit (InsideOut) *CD+Blu-ray:NTSC.15 3,850
STEVE HACKETT - The total experience live in Liverpool (InsideOut) *2CD+2DVD:NTSC 3,520
STEVE HACKETT - The Night Siren (InsideOut) *17.CD+Blu-ray..................3,300
STEVE HACKETT - Genesis revisited Live Seconds Out & More
(InsideOut) *2CD+2DVD................................4,950
STEVE HACKETT - Genesis revisited Live Seconds Out & More
(InsideOut) *2CD+Blu-ray................................5,280
STEVE HACKETT - Foxtrot at Fifty+Hackett Highlights+ Live in Brighton
(InsideOut) *2CD+Blu-ray................................6,380
STEVE HACKETT - Foxtrot at Fifty+Hackett Highlights+ Live in Brighton
(InsideOut) *2CD+2DVD................................6,160
STEVE HACKETT - The Circus And The Nightwhale (Inside Out) *24...........3,300
STEVE HACKETT - The Circus And The Nightwhale (Inside Out) *24..CD+BD....4,620
STEVE HILLAGE The Golden Vibe (A-Wave) *19 rec73...............................3,300
STEVE HILLAGE - La Forum 31.1.77 (Madfish) *23 2,970
STEVE HILLAGE - Live at Rockpalast (Repertoire) *DVD:NTSC+CD. live 77.3,300
STEVE HILLAGE - Dusseldorf 28. 3.79 (Gonzo) *CD 2,200
STEVE HILLAGE - Paris Bataclan 11.12.79 (Madfish) *24.2CD....................3,520
STEVE HOGARTH & RICHARD BARBIERI - Not the weapon but the hand (Kscope) *12 1,980
STEVE HOGARTH & RICHARD BARBIERI - Arc Light (Kscope) *13...............2,420
STEVE HOGARTH & RICHARD BARBIERI - Arc Light (Kscope) *13...............2,200
STEVE HOWE - Homebrew 3 (InsideOut) 1,760
STEVE HOWE - Homebrew 5 (HoweSound) *13 2,200
STEVE HUGHES - Tales from the silent ocean (Festival) *15. sympho 2,530
STEVE LAWSON, ANDY EDWARDS & PHI YAAN-ZEK - Ley Lines (Geomagnetic) *15 2,20
STEVE ROTHERY BAND - Live in Rome (InsideOut) *2CD+DVD:NTSC 3,520
STEVE THORNE - Levelled (Emotional Creatures : Part 3) (No Label) *19 ..2,530
STEVE THORNE - Malice In Plunder Land (White Knight) *23....................2,860
STEVEN WILSON - Insurgentes (kscope) *09 1,870
STEVEN WILSON - Drive home (Kscope) *13. DVD:NTSC+CD 2,640
STEVEN WILSON - Cover version (Kscope) *03-10 2,750
STEVEN WILSON -The Raven THat Refused to Sing (Kscope) *13...2,750
STEVEN WILSON - 4 1/2 (Kscope) *16 2,860
STEVEN WILSON - Home invasion (Eagle Rock) *18 live. DVD:NTSC+2CD..4,400
STEVEN WILSON - Home invasion (Eagle Rock) *18 live. Blu-ray+2CD......5,500
STILL LIFE - Still Life (Repertoire) *70........2,860
STRANGEFISH - The spotlight effect (Strangefish) *18 3rd. 2,970
STRAWBS - Nomadness (A&M) *75 1,430
STRAWBS - Burning for you (Witchwood) *77 2,750
STRAWBS - Deadlines (Esoteric) *78 2CD+DVD4,620
STRAWBS - Heartbreak hill (RGF) *late 70 s unreleased album 2,860
STRAWBS - Live at Nearfest 2004 (Witchwood) 3,520
STRAWBS - Live at the Calderone, New York 75 (Witchwood) 2,640
STRAWBS - Alive in America 2,200
STRAWBS - Access all areas (Edsel) *CD+DVD:PAL. live on TV 90 2,750
STRAWBS - Settlement (Esoteric Antenna) *21............................................2,420
STRAY - same (Sanctuary) *70 1st 2,200
STRAY - Fire & Glass (Esoteric) 75-76 2CD 2,750
STRAY DOG - While youre down there (Manticore) *74 2nd. 7 bonus 2,090
STRETCH - Lifeblood (Repertoire) 1,980
STRETCH - Thats the way the wind blows: a collection (Repertoire) *2CD 2,365
STRETCH - Live at the BC: The Peel sessions (Repertoire) *75-76 2,640
STRING DRIVEN THING - Moments of truth (SDT) *07 2,860
STUCKFISH - IV (White Knight) *24 3,190
SUNFOREST - Sound of sunforest (Lion Productions) *69 2,420
SUNS OF THE TUNDRA - The Only Equation (Bad Elephant) *23.................3,080
SWAN CHORUS - Achilles And The Difference Engine (No Label) *23..CD-R.....1,650
SYD BARRETT - The madcap laughs (EMI) *6 bonus 1,540
SYD BARRETT - Barrett (EMI) *7 bonus 1,540
THE SYN - Original Syn 1965-2009 (Umbrello) *2CD 2,475
THE SYN - Live Rosfest (Unbrello) *CD+DVD:NTSC. live 09. feat.F.Dunnery 2,200
THE TANGENT - Songs from the Hard Shoulder (Inside Out)*22..2,200
THE TANGENT FOR ONE - To Follow Polaris (Inside Out) *24....3,960
TEAR GAS - Same (Esoteric) *71...................................................................2,530
TEMPEST - Tempest (Esoteric) *73.......................................................2,420
TEMPEST - Living in Fear (Esoteric) *74.......................................................2,200
TERRY OLDFIELD - Journey into space (New Earth) *12. feat Mike Oldfield 2,585
THAT JOE PAYNE - What Is The World Coming To (That Joe Payne) *18 EP 1,430
THAT JOE PAYNE - By Name. By Nature. (That Joe Payne) *20 2,860
THIEVES KITCHEN - The Water Road (TK) *08 2,420
THIRD EAR BAND - Brain Waves (Gonzo Multimedia) *93..........................1,540
THIRD EAR BAND - The Magus (Angel Air) *04 Rec72................................1,980
THIS HEAT - same (This Is) *79 1st 2,200
THIS HEAT - Deceit (This Is) *81................................................................2,420
THIS HEAT - Health And Efficiency (ReR) *80.....2,420
THIS HEAT - Made availabel (This Is) *digipack 2,200
THIS HEAT - Live 80/81 (This Is)............2,420
THIS HEAT - Repeat (This Is) *93 digipack 2,200
THIS OCEANIC FEELING - Universal mind (CherryRed) *Chris Braid 2,420
THIS WINTER MACHINE - Kites (Plane Groovy)..........................................2,750
THIS WINTER MACHINE - The Clockwork Man (White Knight) *23............2,860
3 (THREE) - Live Boston 88 (Voiceprint) *2CD 2,860
3 (THREE) - Live - rockin the Ritz (Rockbeat) *2CD. live 88 3,080
3.2 - Third Impression (Frontiers) *21......................................................3,080
THREE MAN ARMY - A third of a lifetime (Esoteric) *71 1st 2,200
THREE MAN ARMY - Three Man Army/Two (BGO) *73/742,9700
TIGER MOTH TALES - Inside The Cocoon (White Knight) *24 CD+DVD 3,080
TIM BOWNESS -Stupid things that mean the world (Inside Out) *15 ...2,530
TIM BOWNESS - Late Night Laments (Inside Out) *20 .2CD.........................2,970
TIM BOWNESS - Power Dry (Kscope) *24 3,520
TIM HODGKINSON - Each in outowan thoughts゚ (Edition) *16. 2,750
TIM HODGKINSON - Under The Void (ReR) *19.........................................2,420
TIM HODGKINSON / YUMI HARA - Schema*Sukima (Bonobo's Ark) *17....2,200
TIMES UP - Snow queen (Geanmist Music) *12. CD-R. sympho 2,090
TINYFISH - One night on fire: live in Poland (Metal Mind) *09 lie. sympho 2,200
TINYFISH - Curious things (Festival Music) *09 2nd mini 1,650
THE TIRITH - Return Of The Lydia (Convergent) *22..................................3,080
TOM ARTHURS/B.MCKINNON/J.SORBARA - Squash recipe (Babel) *avant jazz 2,475
- Dance Of The Stems (Tigermoth) *21.EP.................1,650
TONY BANKS - A curious feeling (Esoteric) *79. 2,200
TONY BANKS - Seven (Naxos) *04. classical music 1,760
TONY BANKS - Six pieces for orchestra (Naxos) *12 classical music 1,870
TONY BANKS - Five (BGM) *18. classical music 1,760
TONY, CARO & JOHN - All on the first day (Shadox) *rare psych/folk 72 3,520
TONY HILL - Playing for time (World Wide) *rec 75. High Tide G 2,420
TONY MCPHEE - The two sides of Tony (T.S.) McPhee (Wordplay) *CD-R. 73 1st solo 2,860
TONY OXLEY - Unreleased 1974-2016 (Discus)..........................................2,640
TONY PATTERSON - Equations of meaning (Esoteric) *16. ReGenesis vo 2,420
TONY PATTERSON / DOUG MELBOURNE - The Divide(Esoteric Antenna) *19...2,420
TONY PATTERSON / DOUG MELBOURNE - Dark Before Dawn (Bad Elephant Music) *22...2,750
TREES - The garden of Jane Delawney (Sony/BMG) *1st 1,870
TREES - On the shore: 2CD edition (Sony/BMG) *2CD 2,860
TREVOR RABIN - Live in L.A. (Varese Sarabande) *rec 89 2,420
TREVOR RABIN - the one (Varese Sarabande) *01. O.S.T. 3,300
TREVOR RABIN - Max (Sony) *OST 15 2,970
TREVOR HORN - Echoes (Universal) *23.........3,520
THE TRIO - Incantation: The dawn recordings 1970-1971 (Esoteric) *2CD 2,530
TROY DONOCKLEY & DAVE BAINBRIDGE - From silence (Open Sky) 2,200
TROY DONOCKLEY & DAVE BAINBRIDGE - When worlds collide (Open Sky) 2,200
TUDOR LODGE - same (Esoteric) *71.....2,750
TURTLE SOUP - The caffeine conspiracy (djc) *05 2,750
TWELFTH NIGHT - Smiling At Grief.... Revisited (No Label) *82..................3,520
TWENTY FIVE VIEWS OF WORTHING - same (Seelie Court Digital) *72-77..2,970
25 YARD SCREAMER - Nemesis (White Knight) *22....................................2,420
TWINK - Think Pink II (Explore Rights) *15...............................................2,530
TWINK - Think Pink III (Explore Rights) *18..............................................2,530
TWINK - Think Pink V (Explore Rights) *18..............................................2,640
TWINSCAPES - same (RareNoise) *15. Colin Edwin, Lorenzo Feliciati 3,080
URSUS MINOR - I will not take but for an answer (Hope Street) *10. Tony Hymas 2,585
V.A. - A Tribute to Genesis (M&M) *98........................................................1,760
V.A. - Blowing Free:Underground & Progressive Sounds of 1972 (Esoteric) *22.4CD..6,600
V.A. - The Dutch Woodstock (Gonzo) *DVD:NTSC+2CD. rec 70.
Pink Floyd-Set the control/Saucerful of, Soft Machine-esthers 3,300
V.A. - Emvelopes of yesterday: The Manticore records story (Esoteric) *2CD. ELP, Pete
Sinfield, Stray Dog, PFM, Hanson, Banco, Greg Lake 2,365
V.A. (IAN BODDY / NODE etc.) - Index06 (Index) *19................................1,980
V.A. - The many faces of EL&P (MusicBrokers) *3CD. Nice, PFM, Atomic Rooster etc 1,980
V.A. - The many faces of Genesis (MusicBrokers) *3CD. compilation+1st 1,980
V.A. - The many faces of Pink Floyd (MusicBrokers) *3CD. tributes, roots tracks 2,200
V.A. - The many faces of Yes (MusicBrokers) *3CD. BBC 69/70, tributes, covers 2,200
V.A. - Maximum prog (Past&Present) *Aardvark, Samurai, Brainchild, Big Sleep etc 2,365
V.A. - Miniatures One+Two (Cherry Red).80 & 00.2CD...............................2,420
V.A. - Music for the 3rd millennium vol.2 (amp) *01. D.Greenslade, Clearlight 2,585
V.A. - Music for the 3rd millennium vol.3 (amp) *01. G.Downes, Damo Suzuki 2,585
V.A. - The Percussion Collection (Summerfold) *3CD.................................3,630
V.A. - The Recommended Sampler 1982: 25th Anniversary (ReR) *82 *2CD........2,750
V.A. - The ReR quarterly selections from vol.1 (ReR) *John Oswald, Duck & Cover 2,420
V.A. - The ReR quarterly selections from vol.2 (ReR) *Robert Wyatt, Iva Bittova etc 2,420
V.A. - Spaced out - the story of Mushroom records (Grapefruit) *17. 2CD 2,640
V.A. - Spectral mornings (Esoteric) *EP. N.Beggs, R.Reed, S.Hackett 1,650
V.A. - Stonehenge 1984 (FloatingWorld) *CD+DVD:NTSC. Hawkwind, The Enid etc 2,860
VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR - The least we can do... (EMI) *70 2nd ......1,760
VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR - H to He who am the only one (Virgin)*70 3rd 2,090
VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR - H to He who am the only one (Virgin) 2CD+DVD 4,400
VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR - Pawn hearts (EMI) *5 bonus 1,650
VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR - Pawn hearts (Virgin) *2CD+DVD 5,170
VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR - Godbluff (Virgin) *75 1,210
VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR - Godbluff (Virgin) *75 1,870
VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR - Godbluff (Virgin) 2CD+DVD 4,400
VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR - Still Life (Virgin) 2,420
VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR - Still Life (Virgin) 2CD+DVD 4,400
VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR - Performance (Eastworld) 2,365
VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR - Live at the Pardiso (Gonzo) *2CD live 07 2,200
VDGG - Recorded live at Metropolis Studios, London(Salvo) *2CD+DVD:PAL. 10 2,420
VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR - A grounding in numbers (Esoteric) *11 2,200
VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR - ALT (Esoteric) *instrumentals/improvisations 2,200
VAN DER GRAAF GENERATOR - Do not disturb (Esoteric Antenna) *16 2,200
VASHTI BUNYAN - Somethings just stick in your mind (Fatcat) *singles/demos 2,200
VIBRACATHEDRAL ORCHESTRA - Dabbling with gravity and... (Revolver) *psych 2,750
VIBRACATHEDRAL ORCHESTRA - Wisdom thunderbolt (VHF) *07. psych 2,420
VIENNA CIRCLE - Secrets Of The Rising Sun (Audio Treehouse) *21...........3,080
VISITOR 2033 - same (MIG) *78................................................................3,740
VONN ZANDUS - Unimortal (Apollon:Prog) *23.........................................3,520
WALLY - Valley gardens (Wounded Bird) *75 2nd 1,980
WALLY - Martyrs and Cowboys (Esoteric) *2CD 74&75................................2,420
WARHORSE - same (Repertoire) *70. 5 bonus/paper sleeve 2,200
WARHORSE - Red sea (Repertoire) *72 2nd. 6 bonus/paper sleeve 2,200
WATER INTO WINE BAND - Hill climbing for beginners (Radioactive) *74 1st 2,640
THE WATTS - Decoherence (Bonobo's Ark) '19..........................................2,750
WHITE - same (Renaissance) *06 2,750
WHITENOISE- an electric storm (island) 2,970
WOLF PEOPLE - Fain (Jagjagwar) *13 4th. psyche/prog 2,420
WOO - Awaawaa (Palto Flats) *rec75-82 6bonus 2,750
THE WOODS BAND - same *71. CD-R 2,640
WOOLLY WOLSTENHOLME - Strange worlds (Esoteric) *80-10 7CD box 7,480
WORLD DRUMMERS ENSEMBLE - A coat of many colours (Summerfold) *Bruford etc 2,750
WORLDSEAVICE PROJECT - Serve (RareNoise) *18 4th 2,750
WORLDSERVICE PROJECT - Hiding In Plain Sight (RareNoise) *20.............2,750
THE WORLD WIND BAND - Safar (Hermes) *MontCampbell 3,080
WYCHFOLK - Circle game (Audio Archives) *75. folk 2,200
YES - Time and a word (Atlantic) *70 1,540
YES - Drama (Elektra/Rhino) *80. 10 bonus 1,430
YES - Talk (Spirit Of Unicorn Music) *942,970
YES featuring ANDERSON, RABIN, WAKEMAN - Live at the Apollo (Eagle) 2CD..3,850
YES - Live USA...'71 (London Calling) *22...................................................2,860
YES - Transmission Impossible *3CD..68-70 Live........3,850
YOU ME & US - 2013 Japan Tour (No label) *CD-R.......................................2,000
YOU ME & US - Poesy at Play (Bonobo's Ark) *14.......................................2,750
DAEVID'S YOU, ME & US - Rain Check DVD/NTSC..14Live...........................1,100
ZEE - Identity 2019 (Gonzo) *Richard Wright & Dave Harris......................2,200
ZEELLEY MOON - The Author And The Dreamer
(Pat Molesworth Zeelley Moon Music) *23...................................3,520
ZIO - Truewaves *23 ...1,320
ZIOR - same (Repertoire) *71 1,760
ZIOR - Every inch a man (ProgTemple) *73 2nd 2,640
ZZEBRA - same/Panic (Angel Air) *2CD. 75/76 2,640 |